Hi, David;

2012/4/28 David Pirotte <da...@altosw.be>
> Best would be to send us an small, complete and concise example of you
> consider
> reproducible, could you d that ?

I mean a example code of Joonas Sarajärvi,
http://paste.pocoo.org/show/587676/ , produces a Segmentation fault on
Guile 2.0.5 too. I though what if a integer. In the integer case, there is
no Segmentation fault. Here is a diff of my test code from Joonas's:

--- ex0.scm.old 2012-04-28 04:41:23.545825725 +0900
+++ ex0.scm 2012-04-28 04:51:47.065231945 +0900
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@
   (sqlite-finalize stmt))

 (display "creating\n")
-(let* ((sql "CREATE TABLE foos(dbid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT);")
+(let* ((sql "CREATE TABLE foos(dbid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name INTEGER);")
        (stmt (sqlite-prepare db sql)))
   (sqlite-step stmt)
   (sqlite-finalize stmt))

 ;; Insert some rows of data.
 (display "inserting\n")
-(let ((name "myfoo")
+(let ((name 10)
       (stmt (sqlite-prepare db "INSERT INTO foos(name) VALUES(?);")))
-  (display (string-append "for \"" name "\":\n"))
+  (display (string-append "for " (number->string name) ":\n"))
   (display "binding\n")
   (sqlite-bind stmt 1 name)
   (display "stepping\n")
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   ;; This finalize call in particular seems to break things
   (sqlite-finalize stmt)
   ;; This seems to be never reached.
-  (display "finalized\n")))
+  (display "finalized\n"))

 (display "closing\n")
 (sqlite-close db)
\ No newline at end of file

The differences are only string to integer but Joonas's code produces a
Segmentation fault. Why? So, I read the sqlite3.scm, Andy's Guile-SQLite3.
And then, I realized sqlite-bind will call different functions; bind-int64
and bind-text. Joonas asked the insight on why this is happening. It would
be best if I be able to solve that for Joonas.

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