Hey everyone,

I was wondering if it's possible to have guile 1.8 and guile 2.0
installed on the same system? I remember reading in the documentation
that it is, but I haven't been able to pull it off yet, except by using
different --prefix values for each.

The problem is that the distro I'm using (Archlinux) has guile 1.8 in
its repository and certain applications (like xbindkeys and freetalk)
still depend on it being this version. There are also at least two
packages in the Arch User Repository that provide guile 2.0, but these
both conflict with 1.8, so I can't yet install both.

I've tried a couple of times: I've used the --program-suffix argument to
make all binaries end with 2 (guile2, guild2, etc.), kind of like Python
does, but this doesn't help with the symlink of guile-tools (for
backwards compatibility). The --infodir argument is useful for keeping
the documentation seperate. That still leaves guile.m4.

I don't know enough about the autotools to know what to do with
guile.m4. Does automake/autoconf expect the file name to match
something, or does it only look at the definitions inside, in which case
it could simply be moved.

I've been looking at it for a while now and I'd really just like to know
if it's possibly to have both on the system and be able to use
everything in the 'regular' way.

I hope my question is clear. Thanks in advance!


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