
Atom X <at...@deadlyhead.com> skribis:

> “… [A]nd from the shimmering lake of parens rose a Scheme, small yet
> strong, bestowing upon the righteous the gift of Elegance and the power
> to tame the mighty beast known as C.  And the devout did embrace this
> gift and called it by the name of Guile, for it is truly a cunning
> Scheme.”


> I’ve been working sporadically on a Guile binding to the GPGME[1]
> library, with the hope that it will encourage others to integrate both
> Guile and privacy features into their software.  At this time
> GPGME/Guile (read as “GPGME-with-Guile") is not in a pretty (or
> functional!) state, but I've put it up on Github[2] both as a means of
> sharing and as a motivator to get to work.  I don't want any shoddy code
> to be marring my public image, after all.
> With that, I hope to have something worth showing in six days.  Till
> then!

Sounds cool, keep up the good work!  :-)


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