On Tue 30 Nov 2010 20:56, Peter TB Brett <pe...@peter-b.co.uk> writes:

>  - An easily re-usable/embeddable and well-documented REPL, to aid
>    developers in implementing a "Scheme Interaction Window" or similar
>    in their apps.

This is surprisingly difficult to do. A traditional REPL is the bottom
of the main loop of an application (though "application" might be
stretching it); integrating it with other main loops is tricky.

Essentially you need threads. Either pthreads, which bring their own
issues ("what thread is calling my app??? I thought i didn't use
threads?"), coroutines (but since `read' is implemented in C, delimited
continuations that involve the readers are not resumable), or simulated
threads (for example, the gtk repl in guile-gnome that runs recursive
main loops inside soft port readers).

Dunno. Perhaps there are other interfaces that are less repl-like, but
still useful. Suggestions and patches are welcome :-)

>  - An high-level API for passing strings for evaluation, that reports
>    back the results or error information in a way that's easy to deal
>    with from C.

What would this API look like?


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