I know this is going to sound troll-ish, but I really don't mean for it to be. I have been an Emacs user for quite some time and I've learned to hack my way around ELSIP some. I'd like to make a structured attempt to learn LISP(ish) programming and read SICP (etc) and so I searched the net and installed PLT. I recently re-stumbled across Guile and I'm wondering if I should give it another try. I like that I have the guile manual available in my Emacs info browser and I like that Guile can handle Elisp (though I'm not sure how I would ever use it that way). I always thought Guile's only useful domain was as an extension language.
1) Is Guile used by anyone to create standalone apps, or is it primarily an language to be imbedded into other language apps? Given that it cannot be compiled to native code, I'd assume it's mainly used for light scripting and the extension language stuff. 2) Is it possible to use Guile on MS Windows apart from cygwin? I've seen the GOOP and ECMAScript stuff and I read a quote to the affect that Guile is more CL-like than other Scheme impelementations (whatever that means), so I'm interested, but if I'd be better off sticking with something more noob-oriented and library intensive (as a beginner) like PLT, I'd be happy to continue my current trajectory. Thanks, Andrew