
Keith Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> From: "Marco Maggi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> <http://download.gna.org/mcl/not-forever/gee.tar>
>> It is telling that nobody stepped out saying "I have a copy of the
>> source, let's find a place to host it", mh?
> I don't know about telling, but I am asking
> why the Subject: header says "Re: <new subject>"?
> I use emacs to read mail, save almost all,
> but a search of Subject: headers shows
> no occurrence of "shutdown".  Where did this
> come from?

This thread:


> What's in the tar file?

GEE, a collection of Guile bindings to various useful libraries that
Marco has abandoned *and* removed from the web (well, until this

> What have you done to Marco?

See https://gna.org/support/?1913 .

(Which is not a reason to be angry at Guile users IMO...)


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