
I made some bindings for ncursesw.

I know that this has been done many times before.  Klaus Schilling did
it once.  And Dmitry Morozhnikov has his version archived [1].  And
Julian Graham's libRUIN, a TUI library that uses curses as a back end,
is pretty sweet [2].

So, let me apologize for being arrogant in starting over, instead of
sending patches to an existing library.

I think it is coming along rather nicely.  FWIW, you can find it on
SourceForge as part of the Gano project [3].  This version is not
feature complete, lacks a debugging infrastructure, and the docs need
work, but, it seems fairly stable so far.

It is guile-1.8.x and ncurses-5.x specific.


Mike Gran

[1] http://freshmeat.net/projects/guile-ncurses/
[2] http://www.nongnu.org/libruin/
[3] http://gano.sourceforge.net/

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