Hey all,

While doing benchmarking and profiling on Guile, I wanted to make bar
graphs with standard-deviation tickers. I couldn't get Gnumeric or
Openoffice to do it, for various reasons. I then realized that it
wouldn't be too bad to do it all in Guile, using Guile-Cairo, and a day
and a half later here we are!

Guile-Charting currently only makes bar charts, but it's something of a
toolkit so you can use the pieces to make other kinds of charts. A
simple invocation would be:

(make-bar-chart "Average Height at Iihenda JSS"
                 '(("Grade 9" (150 "Boys") (140 "Girls"))
                   ("Grade 10" (153 "Boys") (147 "Girls")))
                 :write-to-png "/tmp/graph.png")

A slightly more involved invocation would be:

(define *data*
     (0.0737 "Python 2.5.1c1" (:y-bracket 0.00264764045897))
     (0.0822 "Guile 1.6.8" (:y-bracket 0.00208806130178))
     (0.1444 "Guile 1.8 CVS" (:y-bracket 0.00645290632196)))
    ("(use-modules (oop goops))"
     (0.1357 "Guile 1.6.8" (:y-bracket 0.00651579278028))
     (0.2766 "Guile 1.8 CVS" (:y-bracket 0.02164973697556)))))

(make-bar-chart "Guile Benchmarks" *data*
                :write-to-png "/tmp/guile-benchmarks.png"
                :bar-width 40 :group-spacing 40 :chart-height 240
                '(:y-axis-label "Wall-clock execution time (s)"))

Guile-Charting has a web site:
There's even documentation! See the web site for more. Download the
tarball at:



<<attachment: guile-benchmarks.png>>

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