Daniel Ridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> SCM_DEFINE(guile_srcprops_p, "srcprops?", 1, 0, 0,

I don't think that's meant to be visible, merely a compact form of
what's normally prsented as an alist.  If you want a test then one
possibility would be that it automagically shows up in goops as a
`<srcprops>' class

        (is-a? my-object <srcprop>)

I've used that on (documented) objects like for instance arbiters
which don't otherwise have a test func.

> (let* (
>           (propl (hash-fold (lambda (k v p) (cons (srcprops-to-plist
> v) p)) '() source-whash))

I'm not sure if source-whash is actually meant to be used.  But if you
do then I think `source-properties' can be called on each key in the
hash to get info in alist form.

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