Dear, happy guile-users The scmutils package for SICM allows one to do things like apply arguments to a vector which evaluates to a vector of results of applying the arguments to each element in turn. It achieves this in MIT-scheme using this kludgey-looking method. Here g:apply does the actual extended application. I am not entirely sure about how the stack-frame methods work, but I guess it's looking forward from the continuation of the top-level call to apply.
Has anyone done anything like this with guile using the evaluator trap options or something? I suppose an alternative would be to run a different REPL ... but maybe that would be harder. Any ideas gratefully accepted. Best wishes Ian (define *enable-generic-apply* true) (define inapplicable-object/operator (condition-accessor condition-type:inapplicable-object 'DATUM)) (define (apply-extension-init) (bind-default-condition-handler (list condition-type:inapplicable-object) (lambda (condition) (if *enable-generic-apply* ((stack-frame->continuation (stack-frame/next (stack-frame/next (stack-frame/next (continuation->stack-frame (condition/continuation condition)))))) (lambda args (g:apply (inapplicable-object/operator condition) args))))))) (define (once-only! thunk name) (if (lexical-unbound? system-global-environment name) (begin (thunk) ;; Create NAME in SGE (eval `(define ,name #t) system-global-environment) 'done) 'already-done)) (once-only! apply-extension-init 'apply-extension-init) _______________________________________________ Guile-user mailing list