On Sat, Jul 22, 2006 at 11:19:28AM -0500, Jon Wilson wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a good way to determine the number of arguments that a given 
> procedure will take?  I suppose I can look at
> (source proc)
> and extract the list of formals, and write a procedure which does this 
> automatically, but I'd hate to reinvent the wheel.  Also, I'm not sure how 
> well using source will work when we have optional or keyword arguments.

What doesn't work with 'arity'?

guile> (define (myne n m) (* n m))
guile> (arity myne)
2 arguments: `n' and `m'. 

 Cheers, Ralf Mattes
> Also, on an unrelated note, is it possible to define values (as in (lambda 
> () (values 1 2)) ) in terms of McCarthy's original seven lisp primitives? 
> Or would this question be better asked somewhere else (like c.l.scheme)?
> Regards,
> Jon
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