Aaron VanDevender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> (section 2.3.4 refers to
> http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/docs/docs-1.8/libtool/index.html#Top)

I'll try to mung those links at some stage.

> But this documentation doesn't actually exist. Does anyone have even a
> sketchy HOWTO or a simple example on how to write a Makefile.am which
> builds extensions using libtool?

It's pretty painful.  guile-readline/Makefile.am in the guile dist
shows the sort of thing you have to do.  (There's no need to version
number it like crazy the way shows though.)

Basically you can follow what automake says for building a libtool
library, but with the guile snarfer bit.

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