Neil Jerram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Greg Troxel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I was trying to contort the tag mechanism into doing what you showed
> > how to do earlier.  Now I realize there's no need, so with the caveat
> > that I'd like the docs to explain how to do in-own-prefix installs as
> > you did in email, I can fully support your proposal.
> Thanks.  I thought of one more detail that I think I did miss,
> however: someone distributing Guile would not do a "make install",
> they'd do a "make dist" or "make deb" instead.  So there needs to be a
> way to customize the contents of config.scm before the "make
> dist/deb", without config.scm having been installed.

I meant that when a guile-using package does 'make install', it can
hook itself into the already-installed guile.  Guile can and certainly
should create config.scm in the build tree before install.  Then,
regardless of whether a binary package of some sort is tarred up from
there, or it's installed first and then tarred up (pkgsrc) won't matter.

        Greg Troxel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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