Got it. Thanks for your help Daniel!

Best Regards,
段亚勇  Data-SYS-STE-操作系统
上海市杨浦区抖音新江湾广场 T2B 3F
From: "Daniel Kiper"<>
Date: Fri, Dec 20, 2024, 03:49
Subject: [External] Re: [PATCH] BugFix: grub menu gets stuck due to
unserialized rdtsc
To: "Duan Yayong"<>
Cc: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, "Li Yongqiang"<>, "Sun
On Mon, Dec 09, 2024 at 02:48:32PM +0800, Duan Yayong wrote:
> This patch is used to fix grub menu gets stuck in server
> AC poweron/poweroff stress test of x86_64, which is reproduced with 1/200
> ratio. The root cause analysis as below:
> Q:
> What's the code logic?
> A:
> "grub_tsc_init" function will init tsc by setting grub_tsc_rate,
> which call stack is:
>   grub_tsc_init -> grub_tsc_calibrate_from_pmtimer -> grub_divmod64
> Among, "grub_divmod64" function needs "tsc_diff" as the second parameter.
> In "grub_pmtimer_wait_count_tsc", we will call "grub_get_tsc" function to
> get time stamp counter value to assign to "start_tsc" variable, and get
> into "while(1)" loop space to get "end_tsc" variable value with same
> function, after 3580 ticks, return "end_tsc - start_tsc".
> Actually, "rdtsc" instruction will be called in "grub_get_tsc",
> but "rdtsc" instruction is not reliable(for the reason see the next
> question), which will cause "tsc_diff" to be a very big number larger
> than (1UL << 32) or a negative number, so that grub_tsc_rate will be
> When "run_menu" function is startup, and calls "grub_tsc_get_time_ms"
> function to get current time to check if timeout time reach, at this
> "grub_tsc_get_time_ms" function will return zero due to zero
> "grub_tsc_rate" variable, then grub menu gets stuck...
> Q:
> What's the difference between rdtsc and rdtscp instructions
> in x86_64 architecture? Here is more explanations from
> Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual
> Volume 2B:

I would suggest to add document version number next time.

> A:
> In page 4-558 -> RDTSC—Read Time-Stamp Counter:
> The RDTSC instruction is not a serializing instruction.
> It does not necessarily wait until all previous instructions
> have been executed before reading the counter.
> Similarly, subsequent instructions may begin execution before
> the read operation is performed. The following items may guide
> software seeking to order executions of RDTSC:
>   - If software requires RDTSC to be executed only after all previous
>     instructions have executed and all previous loads are globally
>     it can execute LFENCE immediately before RDTSC.
>   - If software requires RDTSC to be executed only after all previous
>     instructions have executed and all previous loads and stores are
>     visible, it can execute the sequence MFENCE;LFENCE immediately before
>     RDTSC.
>   - If software requires RDTSC to be executed prior to execution of any
>     subsequent instruction (including any memory accesses), it can
>     the sequence LFENCE immediately after RDTSC.
> A:
> In page 4-560 -> RDTSCP—Read Time-Stamp Counter and Processor ID:
> The RDTSCP instruction is not a serializing instruction,
> but it does wait until all previous instructions have executed and all
> previous loads are globally visible. 1 But it does not wait for previous
> stores to be globally visible, and subsequent instructions may begin
> execution before the read operation is performed. The following items
> may guide softwareseeking to order executions of RDTSCP:
>   - If software requires RDTSCP to be executed only after all previous
>     stores are globally visible, it can execute MFENCE immediately before
>     RDTSCP.
>   - If software requires RDTSCP to be executed prior to execution of any
>     subsequent instruction (including any memory accesses), itcan execute
>     LFENCE immediately after RDTSCP.
> Q:
> Why there is a cpuid serilizing instruction before rdtsc instruction,
> but "grub_get_tsc" still cannot work as expect?
> A:
> >From Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's
> Manual Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-L:


> In page 3-222 -> CPUID—CPU Identification:
> "CPUID" can be executed at any privilege level to serialize instruction
> Serializing instruction execution guarantees that any modifications to
> registers, and memory for previous instructions are completed before
> the next instruction is fetched and executed.
> So we only kept the instruction "rdtsc" and its previous instruction in
> currently. But it is still out-of-order possibility between rdtsc
> instruction and its subsequent instruction.
> Q:
> Why do we do this fix?
> A:
> In the one hand, Add "cpuid" instruction after "rdtsc" instruction
> to make sure "rdtsc" instruction to be executed prior to execution
> of any subsequent instruction, about serializing execution that all
> previous instructions have been executed before "rdtsc", there is a
> "cpuid" usage in original code.
> In the other hand, using "cpuid" instruction ranther than "lfence"
> can make sure a forward compatibility for previous HW.
> Base this fix, we did 1500 cycles power on/off stress test, and
> did not reproduce this issue again.
> Signed-off-by: Duan Yayong <>
> Signed-off-by: Li Yongqiang <>
> Signed-off-by: Sun Ming <>

Reviewed-by: Daniel Kiper <>

> ---
>  include/grub/i386/tsc.h | 6 ++++++
>  1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/include/grub/i386/tsc.h b/include/grub/i386/tsc.h
> index 947e62fa1..1814704fc 100644
> --- a/include/grub/i386/tsc.h
> +++ b/include/grub/i386/tsc.h
> @@ -47,6 +47,12 @@ grub_get_tsc (void)
>    /* Read TSC value.  We cannot use "=A", since this would use
>       %rax on x86_64. */
>    asm volatile ("rdtsc":"=a" (lo), "=d" (hi));
> +  /* Add CPUID instruction after rdtsc instruction to ensure
> +   * rdtsc instruction's execution is prior to subsequent
> +   * instruction to avoid out-of-order bewteen rdtsc and
> +   * its subsequent instruction.
> +   */
> +  grub_cpuid (0,a,b,c,d);

Wrong coding style for comment and code. I will fix both for you this

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