Implement a new net_dhcp6 command for IPv6 network auto-configuration
using the DHCPv6 protocol (RFC3315). This command is renamed from
net_bootp6, which has been used in downstream patches for a long time
prior to the addition of the DHCPv4 feature. The net_bootp6 command is
retained for backward compatibility.

Co-authored-by: Peter Jones <>
Co-authored-by: Robbie Harwood <>
Signed-off-by: Robbie Harwood <>
Signed-off-by: Ken Lin <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Chang <>
 grub-core/net/bootp.c              | 915 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 grub-core/net/drivers/efi/efinet.c |  38 +-
 grub-core/net/ip.c                 |  39 ++
 grub-core/net/net.c                |  72 +++
 include/grub/net.h                 |  79 +++
 5 files changed, 1135 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/grub-core/net/bootp.c b/grub-core/net/bootp.c
index abe45ef7b..cca7143e0 100644
--- a/grub-core/net/bootp.c
+++ b/grub-core/net/bootp.c
@@ -24,6 +24,98 @@
 #include <grub/net/netbuff.h>
 #include <grub/net/udp.h>
 #include <grub/datetime.h>
+#include <grub/time.h>
+#include <grub/list.h>
+static int
+dissect_url (const char *url, char **proto, char **host, char **path)
+  const char *p, *ps;
+  grub_size_t l;
+  *proto = *host = *path = NULL;
+  ps = p = url;
+  while ((p = grub_strchr (p, ':')))
+    {
+      if (grub_strlen (p) < sizeof ("://") - 1)
+       break;
+      if (grub_memcmp (p, "://", sizeof ("://") - 1) == 0)
+       {
+         l = p - ps;
+         *proto = grub_malloc (l + 1);
+         if (!*proto)
+           {
+             grub_print_error ();
+             return 0;
+           }
+         grub_memcpy (*proto, ps, l);
+         (*proto)[l] = '\0';
+         p += sizeof ("://") - 1;
+         break;
+       }
+      ++p;
+    }
+  if (!*proto)
+    {
+      grub_dprintf ("bootp", "url: %s is not valid, protocol not found\n", 
+      return 0;
+    }
+  ps = p;
+  p = grub_strchr (p, '/');
+  if (!p)
+    {
+      grub_dprintf ("bootp", "url: %s is not valid, host/path not found\n", 
+      grub_free (*proto);
+      *proto = NULL;
+      return 0;
+    }
+  l = p - ps;
+  if (l > 2 && ps[0] == '[' && ps[l - 1] == ']')
+    {
+      *host = grub_malloc (l - 1);
+      if (!*host)
+       {
+         grub_print_error ();
+         grub_free (*proto);
+         *proto = NULL;
+         return 0;
+       }
+      grub_memcpy (*host, ps + 1, l - 2);
+      (*host)[l - 2] = 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      *host = grub_malloc (l + 1);
+      if (!*host)
+       {
+         grub_print_error ();
+         grub_free (*proto);
+         *proto = NULL;
+         return 0;
+       }
+      grub_memcpy (*host, ps, l);
+      (*host)[l] = 0;
+    }
+  *path = grub_strdup (p);
+  if (!*path)
+    {
+      grub_print_error ();
+      grub_free (*host);
+      grub_free (*proto);
+      *host = NULL;
+      *proto = NULL;
+      return 0;
+    }
+  return 1;
 struct grub_dhcp_discover_options
@@ -610,6 +702,583 @@ out:
   return err;
+/* The default netbuff size for sending DHCPv6 packets which should be
+   large enough to hold the information */
+struct grub_dhcp6_options
+  grub_uint8_t *client_duid;
+  grub_uint16_t client_duid_len;
+  grub_uint8_t *server_duid;
+  grub_uint16_t server_duid_len;
+  grub_uint32_t iaid;
+  grub_uint32_t t1;
+  grub_uint32_t t2;
+  grub_net_network_level_address_t *ia_addr;
+  grub_uint32_t preferred_lifetime;
+  grub_uint32_t valid_lifetime;
+  grub_net_network_level_address_t *dns_server_addrs;
+  grub_uint16_t num_dns_server;
+  char *boot_file_proto;
+  char *boot_file_server_ip;
+  char *boot_file_path;
+typedef struct grub_dhcp6_options *grub_dhcp6_options_t;
+struct grub_dhcp6_session
+  struct grub_dhcp6_session *next;
+  struct grub_dhcp6_session **prev;
+  grub_uint32_t iaid;
+  grub_uint32_t transaction_id:24;
+  grub_uint64_t start_time;
+  struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_duid_ll duid;
+  struct grub_net_network_level_interface *iface;
+  /* The associated dhcpv6 options */
+  grub_dhcp6_options_t adv;
+  grub_dhcp6_options_t reply;
+typedef struct grub_dhcp6_session *grub_dhcp6_session_t;
+typedef void (*dhcp6_option_hook_fn) (const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *opt, 
void *data);
+static void
+foreach_dhcp6_option (const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *opt, grub_size_t 
+                     dhcp6_option_hook_fn hook, void *hook_data);
+static void
+parse_dhcp6_iaaddr (const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *opt, void *data)
+  grub_dhcp6_options_t dhcp6 = (grub_dhcp6_options_t )data;
+  grub_uint16_t code = grub_be_to_cpu16 (opt->code);
+  grub_uint16_t len = grub_be_to_cpu16 (opt->len);
+    {
+      const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iaaddr *iaaddr;
+      iaaddr = (const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iaaddr *) opt->data;
+      if (len < sizeof (*iaaddr))
+       {
+         grub_dprintf ("bootp", "DHCPv6: code %u with insufficient length 
%u\n", code, len);
+         return;
+       }
+      if (!dhcp6->ia_addr)
+       {
+         dhcp6->ia_addr = grub_malloc (sizeof (*dhcp6->ia_addr));
+         dhcp6->ia_addr->type = GRUB_NET_NETWORK_LEVEL_PROTOCOL_IPV6;
+         dhcp6->ia_addr->ipv6[0] = grub_get_unaligned64 (iaaddr->addr);
+         dhcp6->ia_addr->ipv6[1] = grub_get_unaligned64 (iaaddr->addr + 8);
+         dhcp6->preferred_lifetime = grub_be_to_cpu32 
+         dhcp6->valid_lifetime = grub_be_to_cpu32 (iaaddr->valid_lifetime);
+       }
+    }
+static void
+parse_dhcp6_option (const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *opt, void *data)
+  grub_dhcp6_options_t dhcp6 = (grub_dhcp6_options_t)data;
+  grub_uint16_t code = grub_be_to_cpu16 (opt->code);
+  grub_uint16_t len = grub_be_to_cpu16 (opt->len);
+  switch (code)
+    {
+       if (dhcp6->client_duid || !len)
+         {
+           grub_dprintf ("bootp", "Skipped DHCPv6 CLIENTID with length %u\n", 
+           break;
+         }
+       dhcp6->client_duid = grub_malloc (len);
+       grub_memcpy (dhcp6->client_duid, opt->data, len);
+       dhcp6->client_duid_len = len;
+       break;
+       if (dhcp6->server_duid || !len)
+         {
+           grub_dprintf ("bootp", "Skipped DHCPv6 SERVERID with length %u\n", 
+           break;
+         }
+       dhcp6->server_duid = grub_malloc (len);
+       grub_memcpy (dhcp6->server_duid, opt->data, len);
+       dhcp6->server_duid_len = len;
+       break;
+       {
+         const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iana *ia_na;
+         grub_uint16_t data_len;
+         if (dhcp6->iaid || len < sizeof (*ia_na))
+           {
+             grub_dprintf ("bootp", "Skipped DHCPv6 IA_NA with length %u\n", 
+             break;
+           }
+         ia_na = (const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iana *)opt->data;
+         dhcp6->iaid = grub_be_to_cpu32 (ia_na->iaid);
+         dhcp6->t1 = grub_be_to_cpu32 (ia_na->t1);
+         dhcp6->t2 = grub_be_to_cpu32 (ia_na->t2);
+         data_len = len - sizeof (*ia_na);
+         if (data_len)
+           foreach_dhcp6_option ((const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option 
*)ia_na->data, data_len, parse_dhcp6_iaaddr, dhcp6);
+       }
+       break;
+       {
+         const grub_uint8_t *po;
+         grub_uint16_t ln;
+         grub_net_network_level_address_t *la;
+         if (!len || len & 0xf)
+           {
+             grub_dprintf ("bootp", "Skip invalid length DHCPv6 DNS_SERVERS 
+             break;
+           }
+         dhcp6->num_dns_server = ln = len >> 4;
+         dhcp6->dns_server_addrs = la = grub_calloc (ln, sizeof (*la));
+         for (po = opt->data; ln > 0; po += 0x10, la++, ln--)
+           {
+             la->type = GRUB_NET_NETWORK_LEVEL_PROTOCOL_IPV6;
+             la->ipv6[0] = grub_get_unaligned64 (po);
+             la->ipv6[1] = grub_get_unaligned64 (po + 8);
+             la->option = DNS_OPTION_PREFER_IPV6;
+           }
+       }
+       break;
+       dissect_url ((const char *)opt->data,
+                     &dhcp6->boot_file_proto,
+                     &dhcp6->boot_file_server_ip,
+                     &dhcp6->boot_file_path);
+       break;
+      default:
+       break;
+    }
+static void
+foreach_dhcp6_option (const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *opt, grub_size_t 
size, dhcp6_option_hook_fn hook, void *hook_data)
+  while (size)
+    {
+      grub_uint16_t code, len;
+      if (size < sizeof (*opt))
+       {
+         grub_dprintf ("bootp", "DHCPv6: Options stopped with remaining size 
%" PRIxGRUB_SIZE "\n", size);
+         break;
+       }
+      size -= sizeof (*opt);
+      len = grub_be_to_cpu16 (opt->len);
+      code = grub_be_to_cpu16 (opt->code);
+      if (size < len)
+       {
+         grub_dprintf ("bootp", "DHCPv6: Options stopped at out of bound 
length %u for option %u\n", len, code);
+         break;
+       }
+      if (!len)
+       {
+         grub_dprintf ("bootp", "DHCPv6: Options stopped at zero length option 
%u\n", code);
+         break;
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         if (hook)
+           hook (opt, hook_data);
+         size -= len;
+         opt = (const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *) ((grub_uint8_t *) opt + 
len + sizeof (*opt));
+       }
+    }
+static grub_dhcp6_options_t
+grub_dhcp6_options_get (const struct grub_net_dhcp6_packet *v6h,
+                       grub_size_t size)
+  grub_dhcp6_options_t options;
+  if (size < sizeof (*v6h))
+    {
+      grub_error (GRUB_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, N_("DHCPv6 packet size too small"));
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  options = grub_zalloc (sizeof(*options));
+  if (!options)
+    return NULL;
+  foreach_dhcp6_option ((const struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *) 
+                      size - sizeof (*v6h), parse_dhcp6_option, options);
+  return options;
+static void
+grub_dhcp6_options_free (grub_dhcp6_options_t options)
+  if (options->client_duid)
+    grub_free (options->client_duid);
+  if (options->server_duid)
+    grub_free (options->server_duid);
+  if (options->ia_addr)
+    grub_free (options->ia_addr);
+  if (options->dns_server_addrs)
+    grub_free (options->dns_server_addrs);
+  if (options->boot_file_proto)
+    grub_free (options->boot_file_proto);
+  if (options->boot_file_server_ip)
+    grub_free (options->boot_file_server_ip);
+  if (options->boot_file_path)
+    grub_free (options->boot_file_path);
+  grub_free (options);
+static grub_dhcp6_session_t grub_dhcp6_sessions;
+#define FOR_DHCP6_SESSIONS_SAFE(var, next) FOR_LIST_ELEMENTS_SAFE (var, next, 
+#define FOR_DHCP6_SESSIONS(var) FOR_LIST_ELEMENTS (var, grub_dhcp6_sessions)
+static void
+grub_net_configure_by_dhcp6_info (const char *name,
+         struct grub_net_card *card,
+         grub_dhcp6_options_t dhcp6,
+         int is_def,
+         int flags,
+         struct grub_net_network_level_interface **ret_inf)
+  grub_net_network_level_netaddress_t netaddr;
+  struct grub_net_network_level_interface *inf;
+  if (dhcp6->ia_addr)
+    {
+      inf = grub_net_add_addr (name, card, dhcp6->ia_addr, 
&card->default_address, flags);
+      netaddr.ipv6.base[0] = dhcp6->ia_addr->ipv6[0];
+      netaddr.ipv6.base[1] = 0;
+      netaddr.ipv6.masksize = 64;
+      grub_net_add_route (name, netaddr, inf);
+      if (ret_inf)
+       *ret_inf = inf;
+    }
+  if (dhcp6->dns_server_addrs)
+    {
+      grub_uint16_t i;
+      for (i = 0; i < dhcp6->num_dns_server; ++i)
+       grub_net_add_dns_server (dhcp6->dns_server_addrs + i);
+    }
+  if (dhcp6->boot_file_path)
+    grub_env_set_net_property (name, "boot_file", dhcp6->boot_file_path,
+                         grub_strlen (dhcp6->boot_file_path));
+  if (is_def && dhcp6->boot_file_server_ip)
+    {
+      grub_net_default_server = grub_strdup (dhcp6->boot_file_server_ip);
+      grub_env_set ("net_default_interface", name);
+      grub_env_export ("net_default_interface");
+    }
+static void
+grub_dhcp6_session_add (struct grub_net_network_level_interface *iface,
+                       grub_uint32_t iaid)
+  grub_dhcp6_session_t se;
+  struct grub_datetime date;
+  grub_err_t err;
+  grub_int64_t t = 0;
+  se = grub_malloc (sizeof (*se));
+  err = grub_get_datetime (&date);
+  if (err || !grub_datetime2unixtime (&date, &t))
+    {
+      grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+      t = 0;
+    }
+  se->iface = iface;
+  se->iaid = iaid;
+  se->transaction_id = t;
+  se->start_time = grub_get_time_ms ();
+  se->duid.type = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (3) ;
+  se->duid.hw_type = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (1);
+  grub_memcpy (&se->duid.hwaddr, &iface->hwaddress.mac, sizeof 
+  se->adv = NULL;
+  se->reply = NULL;
+  grub_list_push (GRUB_AS_LIST_P (&grub_dhcp6_sessions), GRUB_AS_LIST (se));
+static void
+grub_dhcp6_session_remove (grub_dhcp6_session_t se)
+  grub_list_remove (GRUB_AS_LIST (se));
+  if (se->adv)
+    grub_dhcp6_options_free (se->adv);
+  if (se->reply)
+    grub_dhcp6_options_free (se->reply);
+  grub_free (se);
+static void
+grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all (void)
+  grub_dhcp6_session_t se, next;
+    {
+      grub_dhcp6_session_remove (se);
+    }
+  grub_dhcp6_sessions = NULL;
+static grub_err_t
+grub_dhcp6_session_configure_network (grub_dhcp6_session_t se)
+  char *name;
+  name = grub_xasprintf ("%s:dhcp6", se->iface->card->name);
+  if (!name)
+    return grub_errno;
+  grub_net_configure_by_dhcp6_info (name, se->iface->card, se->reply, 1, 0, 0);
+  grub_free (name);
+  return GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+static grub_err_t
+grub_dhcp6_session_send_request (grub_dhcp6_session_t se)
+  struct grub_net_buff *nb;
+  struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *opt;
+  struct grub_net_dhcp6_packet *v6h;
+  struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iana *ia_na;
+  struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iaaddr *iaaddr;
+  struct udphdr *udph;
+  grub_net_network_level_address_t multicast;
+  grub_net_link_level_address_t ll_multicast;
+  grub_uint64_t elapsed;
+  struct grub_net_network_level_interface *inf = se->iface;
+  grub_dhcp6_options_t dhcp6 = se->adv;
+  grub_err_t err = GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+  multicast.ipv6[0] = grub_cpu_to_be64_compile_time (0xff02ULL << 48);
+  multicast.ipv6[1] = grub_cpu_to_be64_compile_time (0x10002ULL);
+  err = grub_net_link_layer_resolve (inf, &multicast, &ll_multicast);
+  if (err)
+    return err;
+  nb = grub_netbuff_alloc (GRUB_DHCP6_DEFAULT_NETBUFF_ALLOC_SIZE);
+  if (!nb)
+    return grub_errno;
+  err = grub_netbuff_reserve (nb, GRUB_DHCP6_DEFAULT_NETBUFF_ALLOC_SIZE);
+  if (err)
+    {
+      grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+      return err;
+    }
+  err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, dhcp6->client_duid_len + sizeof (*opt));
+  if (err)
+    {
+      grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+      return err;
+    }
+  opt = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *) nb->data;
+  opt->code = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (GRUB_NET_DHCP6_OPTION_CLIENTID);
+  opt->len = grub_cpu_to_be16 (dhcp6->client_duid_len);
+  grub_memcpy (opt->data, dhcp6->client_duid , dhcp6->client_duid_len);
+  err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, dhcp6->server_duid_len + sizeof (*opt));
+  if (err)
+    {
+      grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+      return err;
+    }
+  opt = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *) nb->data;
+  opt->code = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (GRUB_NET_DHCP6_OPTION_SERVERID);
+  opt->len = grub_cpu_to_be16 (dhcp6->server_duid_len);
+  grub_memcpy (opt->data, dhcp6->server_duid , dhcp6->server_duid_len);
+  err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*ia_na) + sizeof (*opt));
+  if (err)
+    {
+      grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+      return err;
+    }
+  if (dhcp6->ia_addr)
+    {
+      err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*iaaddr) + sizeof (*opt));
+      if (err)
+       {
+         grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+         return err;
+       }
+    }
+  opt = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *) nb->data;
+  opt->code = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (GRUB_NET_DHCP6_OPTION_IA_NA);
+  opt->len = grub_cpu_to_be16 (sizeof (*ia_na));
+  if (dhcp6->ia_addr)
+    opt->len += grub_cpu_to_be16 (sizeof (*iaaddr) + sizeof (*opt));
+  ia_na = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iana *) opt->data;
+  ia_na->iaid = grub_cpu_to_be32 (dhcp6->iaid);
+  ia_na->t1 = grub_cpu_to_be32 (dhcp6->t1);
+  ia_na->t2 = grub_cpu_to_be32 (dhcp6->t2);
+  if (dhcp6->ia_addr)
+    {
+      opt = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *) ia_na->data;
+      opt->code = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (GRUB_NET_DHCP6_OPTION_IAADDR);
+      opt->len = grub_cpu_to_be16 (sizeof (*iaaddr));
+      iaaddr = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iaaddr *) opt->data;
+      grub_set_unaligned64 (iaaddr->addr, dhcp6->ia_addr->ipv6[0]);
+      grub_set_unaligned64 (iaaddr->addr + 8, dhcp6->ia_addr->ipv6[1]);
+      iaaddr->preferred_lifetime = grub_cpu_to_be32 
+      iaaddr->valid_lifetime = grub_cpu_to_be32 (dhcp6->valid_lifetime);
+    }
+  err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*opt) + 2 * sizeof (grub_uint16_t));
+  if (err)
+    {
+      grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+      return err;
+    }
+  opt = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option*) nb->data;
+  opt->code = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (GRUB_NET_DHCP6_OPTION_ORO);
+  opt->len = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (2 * sizeof (grub_uint16_t));
+  grub_set_unaligned16 (opt->data, grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time 
+  grub_set_unaligned16 (opt->data + 2, grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time 
+  err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*opt) + sizeof (grub_uint16_t));
+  if (err)
+    {
+      grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+      return err;
+    }
+  opt = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option*) nb->data;
+  opt->code = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time 
+  opt->len = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (sizeof (grub_uint16_t));
+  /* the time is expressed in hundredths of a second */
+  elapsed = grub_divmod64 (grub_get_time_ms () - se->start_time, 10, 0);
+  if (elapsed > 0xffff)
+    elapsed = 0xffff;
+  grub_set_unaligned16 (opt->data, grub_cpu_to_be16 ((grub_uint16_t) elapsed));
+  err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*v6h));
+  if (err)
+    {
+      grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+      return err;
+    }
+  v6h = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_packet *) nb->data;
+  v6h->message_type = GRUB_NET_DHCP6_REQUEST;
+  v6h->transaction_id = se->transaction_id;
+  err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*udph));
+  if (err)
+    {
+      grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+      return err;
+    }
+  udph = (struct udphdr *) nb->data;
+  udph->src = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (DHCP6_CLIENT_PORT);
+  udph->dst = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (DHCP6_SERVER_PORT);
+  udph->chksum = 0;
+  udph->len = grub_cpu_to_be16 (nb->tail - nb->data);
+  udph->chksum = grub_net_ip_transport_checksum (nb, GRUB_NET_IP_UDP,
+                                                &inf->address,
+                                                &multicast);
+  err = grub_net_send_ip_packet (inf, &multicast, &ll_multicast, nb,
+                                GRUB_NET_IP_UDP);
+  grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+  return err;
+struct grub_net_network_level_interface *
+grub_net_configure_by_dhcpv6_reply (const char *name,
+       struct grub_net_card *card,
+       grub_net_interface_flags_t flags,
+       const struct grub_net_dhcp6_packet *v6h,
+       grub_size_t size,
+       int is_def,
+       char **device, char **path)
+  struct grub_net_network_level_interface *inf;
+  grub_dhcp6_options_t dhcp6;
+  int mask = -1;
+  dhcp6 = grub_dhcp6_options_get (v6h, size);
+  if (!dhcp6)
+    {
+      grub_print_error ();
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  grub_net_configure_by_dhcp6_info (name, card, dhcp6, is_def, flags, &inf);
+  if (device && dhcp6->boot_file_proto && dhcp6->boot_file_server_ip)
+    {
+      *device = grub_xasprintf ("%s,%s", dhcp6->boot_file_proto, 
+      grub_print_error ();
+    }
+  if (path && dhcp6->boot_file_path)
+    {
+      *path = grub_strdup (dhcp6->boot_file_path);
+      grub_print_error ();
+      if (*path)
+       {
+         char *slash;
+         slash = grub_strrchr (*path, '/');
+         if (slash)
+           *slash = 0;
+         else
+           **path = 0;
+       }
+    }
+  grub_dhcp6_options_free (dhcp6);
+  if (inf)
+    grub_net_add_ipv6_local (inf, mask);
+  return inf;
  * This is called directly from net/ip.c:handle_dgram(), because those
  * BOOTP/DHCP packets are a bit special due to their improper
@@ -678,6 +1347,77 @@ grub_net_process_dhcp (struct grub_net_buff *nb,
+grub_net_process_dhcp6 (struct grub_net_buff *nb,
+                       struct grub_net_card *card __attribute__ ((unused)))
+  const struct grub_net_dhcp6_packet *v6h;
+  grub_dhcp6_session_t se;
+  grub_size_t size;
+  grub_dhcp6_options_t options;
+  v6h = (const struct grub_net_dhcp6_packet *) nb->data;
+  size = nb->tail - nb->data;
+  options = grub_dhcp6_options_get (v6h, size);
+  if (!options)
+    return grub_errno;
+  if (!options->client_duid || !options->server_duid || !options->ia_addr)
+    {
+      grub_dhcp6_options_free (options);
+      return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, "Bad DHCPv6 Packet");
+    }
+    {
+      if (se->transaction_id == v6h->transaction_id &&
+         grub_memcmp (options->client_duid, &se->duid, sizeof (se->duid)) == 0 
+         se->iaid == options->iaid)
+       break;
+    }
+  if (!se)
+    {
+      grub_dprintf ("bootp", "DHCPv6 session not found\n");
+      grub_dhcp6_options_free (options);
+      return GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+    }
+  if (v6h->message_type == GRUB_NET_DHCP6_ADVERTISE)
+    {
+      if (se->adv)
+       {
+         grub_dprintf ("bootp", "Skipped DHCPv6 Advertised .. \n");
+         grub_dhcp6_options_free (options);
+         return GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+       }
+      se->adv = options;
+      return grub_dhcp6_session_send_request (se);
+    }
+  else if (v6h->message_type == GRUB_NET_DHCP6_REPLY)
+    {
+      if (!se->adv)
+       {
+         grub_dprintf ("bootp", "Skipped DHCPv6 Reply .. \n");
+         grub_dhcp6_options_free (options);
+         return GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+       }
+      se->reply = options;
+      grub_dhcp6_session_configure_network (se);
+      grub_dhcp6_session_remove (se);
+      return GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      grub_dhcp6_options_free (options);
+    }
+  return GRUB_ERR_NONE;
 static grub_err_t
 grub_cmd_dhcpopt (struct grub_command *cmd __attribute__ ((unused)),
                  int argc, char **args)
@@ -903,7 +1643,172 @@ grub_cmd_bootp (struct grub_command *cmd __attribute__ 
   return err;
-static grub_command_t cmd_getdhcp, cmd_bootp, cmd_dhcp;
+static grub_err_t
+grub_cmd_bootp6 (struct grub_command *cmd __attribute__ ((unused)),
+                 int argc, char **args)
+  struct grub_net_card *card;
+  grub_uint32_t iaid = 0;
+  int interval;
+  grub_err_t err = GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+  grub_dhcp6_session_t se;
+  FOR_NET_CARDS (card)
+  {
+    struct grub_net_network_level_interface *iface;
+    if (argc > 0 && grub_strcmp (card->name, args[0]) != 0)
+      continue;
+    iface = grub_net_ipv6_get_link_local (card, &card->default_address);
+    if (!iface)
+      {
+       grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all ();
+       return grub_errno;
+      }
+    grub_dhcp6_session_add (iface, iaid++);
+  }
+  for (interval = 200; interval < 10000; interval *= 2)
+    {
+      int done = 1;
+      FOR_DHCP6_SESSIONS (se)
+       {
+         struct grub_net_buff *nb;
+         struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *opt;
+         struct grub_net_dhcp6_packet *v6h;
+         struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_duid_ll *duid;
+         struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iana *ia_na;
+         grub_net_network_level_address_t multicast;
+         grub_net_link_level_address_t ll_multicast;
+         struct udphdr *udph;
+         multicast.type = GRUB_NET_NETWORK_LEVEL_PROTOCOL_IPV6;
+         multicast.ipv6[0] = grub_cpu_to_be64_compile_time (0xff02ULL << 48);
+         multicast.ipv6[1] = grub_cpu_to_be64_compile_time (0x10002ULL);
+         err = grub_net_link_layer_resolve (se->iface,
+                   &multicast, &ll_multicast);
+         if (err)
+           {
+             grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all ();
+             return err;
+           }
+         nb = grub_netbuff_alloc (GRUB_DHCP6_DEFAULT_NETBUFF_ALLOC_SIZE);
+         if (!nb)
+           {
+             grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all ();
+             return grub_errno;
+           }
+         err = grub_netbuff_reserve (nb, 
+         if (err)
+           {
+             grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all ();
+             grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+             return err;
+           }
+         err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*opt) + sizeof (grub_uint16_t));
+         if (err)
+           {
+             grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all ();
+             grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+             return err;
+           }
+         opt = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *)nb->data;
+         opt->code = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time 
+         opt->len = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (sizeof (grub_uint16_t));
+         grub_set_unaligned16 (opt->data, 0);
+         err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*opt) + sizeof (*duid));
+         if (err)
+           {
+             grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all ();
+             grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+             return err;
+           }
+         opt = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *)nb->data;
+         opt->code = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time 
+         opt->len = grub_cpu_to_be16 (sizeof (*duid));
+         duid = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_duid_ll *) opt->data;
+         grub_memcpy (duid, &se->duid, sizeof (*duid));
+         err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*opt) + sizeof (*ia_na));
+         if (err)
+           {
+             grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all ();
+             grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+             return err;
+           }
+         opt = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option *)nb->data;
+         opt->code = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time 
+         opt->len = grub_cpu_to_be16 (sizeof (*ia_na));
+         ia_na = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iana *)opt->data;
+         ia_na->iaid = grub_cpu_to_be32 (se->iaid);
+         ia_na->t1 = 0;
+         ia_na->t2 = 0;
+         err = grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*v6h));
+         if (err)
+           {
+             grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all ();
+             grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+             return err;
+           }
+         v6h = (struct grub_net_dhcp6_packet *)nb->data;
+         v6h->message_type = GRUB_NET_DHCP6_SOLICIT;
+         v6h->transaction_id = se->transaction_id;
+         grub_netbuff_push (nb, sizeof (*udph));
+         udph = (struct udphdr *) nb->data;
+         udph->src = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (DHCP6_CLIENT_PORT);
+         udph->dst = grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (DHCP6_SERVER_PORT);
+         udph->chksum = 0;
+         udph->len = grub_cpu_to_be16 (nb->tail - nb->data);
+         udph->chksum = grub_net_ip_transport_checksum (nb, GRUB_NET_IP_UDP,
+                           &se->iface->address, &multicast);
+         err = grub_net_send_ip_packet (se->iface, &multicast,
+                   &ll_multicast, nb, GRUB_NET_IP_UDP);
+         done = 0;
+         grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+         if (err)
+           {
+             grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all ();
+             return err;
+           }
+       }
+      if (!done)
+       grub_net_poll_cards (interval, 0);
+    }
+    {
+      grub_error_push ();
+      err = grub_error (GRUB_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND,
+                       N_("couldn't autoconfigure %s"),
+                       se->iface->card->name);
+    }
+  grub_dhcp6_session_remove_all ();
+  return err;
+static grub_command_t cmd_getdhcp, cmd_bootp, cmd_dhcp, cmd_bootp6, cmd_dhcp6;
 grub_bootp_init (void)
@@ -917,12 +1822,20 @@ grub_bootp_init (void)
   cmd_getdhcp = grub_register_command ("net_get_dhcp_option", grub_cmd_dhcpopt,
                                       N_("VAR INTERFACE NUMBER DESCRIPTION"),
                                       N_("retrieve DHCP option and save it 
into VAR. If VAR is - then print the value."));
+  cmd_dhcp6 = grub_register_command ("net_dhcp6", grub_cmd_bootp6,
+                                    N_("[CARD]"),
+                                    N_("perform a DHCPv6 autoconfiguration"));
+  cmd_bootp6 = grub_register_command ("net_bootp6", grub_cmd_bootp6,
+                                    N_("[CARD]"),
+                                    N_("perform a DHCPv6 autoconfiguration"));
 grub_bootp_fini (void)
+  grub_unregister_command (cmd_bootp6);
   grub_unregister_command (cmd_getdhcp);
   grub_unregister_command (cmd_bootp);
   grub_unregister_command (cmd_dhcp);
+  grub_unregister_command (cmd_dhcp6);
diff --git a/grub-core/net/drivers/efi/efinet.c 
index 58fe381ab..9c34230b3 100644
--- a/grub-core/net/drivers/efi/efinet.c
+++ b/grub-core/net/drivers/efi/efinet.c
@@ -347,8 +347,8 @@ grub_efi_net_config_real (grub_efi_handle_t hnd, char 
                          char **path)
   struct grub_net_card *card;
-  grub_efi_device_path_t *dp;
-  struct grub_net_network_level_interface *inter;
+  grub_efi_device_path_t *dp = NULL;
+  struct grub_net_network_level_interface *inter = NULL;
   grub_efi_device_path_t *vlan_dp;
   grub_efi_uint16_t vlan_dp_len;
   grub_efi_vlan_device_path_t *vlan;
@@ -410,11 +410,35 @@ grub_efi_net_config_real (grub_efi_handle_t hnd, char 
     pxe_mode = pxe->mode;
-    inter = grub_net_configure_by_dhcp_ack (card->name, card, 0,
-                                           (struct grub_net_bootp_packet *)
-                                           &pxe_mode->dhcp_ack,
-                                           sizeof (pxe_mode->dhcp_ack),
-                                           1, device, path);
+    if (pxe_mode->using_ipv6)
+      {
+       grub_dprintf ("efinet", "using ipv6 and dhcpv6\n");
+       grub_dprintf ("efinet", "dhcp_ack_received: %s%s\n",
+                     pxe_mode->dhcp_ack_received ? "yes" : "no",
+                     pxe_mode->dhcp_ack_received ? "" : " cannot continue");
+       if (!pxe_mode->dhcp_ack_received)
+         continue;
+       inter = grub_net_configure_by_dhcpv6_reply (card->name, card, 0,
+                                                   (struct 
grub_net_dhcp6_packet *)
+                                                   &pxe_mode->dhcp_ack,
+                                                   sizeof (pxe_mode->dhcp_ack),
+                                                   1, device, path);
+       if (grub_errno)
+         grub_print_error ();
+       if (device && path)
+         grub_dprintf ("efinet", "device: `%s' path: `%s'\n", *device, *path);
+      }
+    else
+      {
+       grub_dprintf ("efinet", "using ipv4 and dhcp\n");
+       inter = grub_net_configure_by_dhcp_ack (card->name, card, 0,
+                                               (struct grub_net_bootp_packet *)
+                                               &pxe_mode->dhcp_ack,
+                                               sizeof (pxe_mode->dhcp_ack),
+                                               1, device, path);
+       grub_dprintf ("efinet", "device: `%s' path: `%s'\n", *device, *path);
+      }
     if (inter != NULL)
diff --git a/grub-core/net/ip.c b/grub-core/net/ip.c
index 3c3d0be0e..f967618e5 100644
--- a/grub-core/net/ip.c
+++ b/grub-core/net/ip.c
@@ -240,6 +240,45 @@ handle_dgram (struct grub_net_buff *nb,
     struct udphdr *udph;
     udph = (struct udphdr *) nb->data;
+    if (proto == GRUB_NET_IP_UDP && udph->dst == grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time 
+      {
+       if (udph->chksum)
+         {
+           grub_uint16_t chk, expected;
+           chk = udph->chksum;
+           udph->chksum = 0;
+           expected = grub_net_ip_transport_checksum (nb,
+                                                      GRUB_NET_IP_UDP,
+                                                      source,
+                                                      dest);
+           if (expected != chk)
+             {
+               grub_dprintf ("net", "Invalid UDP checksum. "
+                             "Expected %x, got %x\n",
+                             grub_be_to_cpu16 (expected),
+                             grub_be_to_cpu16 (chk));
+               grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+               return GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+             }
+           udph->chksum = chk;
+         }
+       err = grub_netbuff_pull (nb, sizeof (*udph));
+       if (err)
+         {
+           grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+           return err;
+         }
+       err = grub_net_process_dhcp6 (nb, card);
+       if (err)
+         grub_print_error ();
+       grub_netbuff_free (nb);
+       return GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+      }
     if (proto == GRUB_NET_IP_UDP && grub_be_to_cpu16 (udph->dst) == 68)
        const struct grub_net_bootp_packet *bootp;
diff --git a/grub-core/net/net.c b/grub-core/net/net.c
index 8cad4fb6d..a31f0c96c 100644
--- a/grub-core/net/net.c
+++ b/grub-core/net/net.c
@@ -984,6 +984,78 @@ grub_net_network_level_interface_register (struct 
   grub_net_network_level_interfaces = inter;
+grub_ipv6_get_masksize (grub_uint16_t be_mask[8])
+  grub_uint8_t *mask;
+  grub_uint16_t mask16[8];
+  int x, y;
+  int ret = 128;
+  grub_memcpy (mask16, be_mask, sizeof (mask16));
+  for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
+    mask16[x] = grub_be_to_cpu16 (mask16[x]);
+  mask = (grub_uint8_t *)mask16;
+  for (x = 15; x >= 0; x--)
+    {
+      grub_uint8_t octet = mask[x];
+      if (!octet)
+       {
+         ret -= 8;
+         continue;
+       }
+      for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
+       {
+         if (octet & (1 << y))
+           break;
+         else
+           ret--;
+       }
+      break;
+    }
+  return ret;
+grub_net_add_ipv6_local (struct grub_net_network_level_interface *inter,
+                        int mask)
+  struct grub_net_route *route;
+  if (inter->address.type != GRUB_NET_NETWORK_LEVEL_PROTOCOL_IPV6)
+    return 0;
+  if (mask == -1)
+      mask = grub_ipv6_get_masksize ((grub_uint16_t *) inter->address.ipv6);
+  if (mask == -1)
+    return 0;
+  route = grub_zalloc (sizeof (*route));
+  if (!route)
+    return grub_errno;
+  route->name = grub_xasprintf ("%s:local", inter->name);
+  if (!route->name)
+    {
+      grub_free (route);
+      return grub_errno;
+    }
+  route->target.type = GRUB_NET_NETWORK_LEVEL_PROTOCOL_IPV6;
+  grub_memcpy (route->target.ipv6.base, inter->address.ipv6,
+              sizeof (inter->address.ipv6));
+  route->target.ipv6.masksize = mask;
+  route->is_gateway = 0;
+  route->interface = inter;
+  grub_net_route_register (route);
+  return 0;
 grub_net_add_ipv4_local (struct grub_net_network_level_interface *inter,
diff --git a/include/grub/net.h b/include/grub/net.h
index 844e501c1..3e2704e3a 100644
--- a/include/grub/net.h
+++ b/include/grub/net.h
@@ -450,6 +450,66 @@ struct grub_net_bootp_packet
   grub_uint8_t vendor[0];
+struct grub_net_dhcp6_packet
+  grub_uint32_t message_type:8;
+  grub_uint32_t transaction_id:24;
+  grub_uint8_t dhcp_options[0];
+struct grub_net_dhcp6_option {
+  grub_uint16_t code;
+  grub_uint16_t len;
+  grub_uint8_t data[0];
+struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iana {
+  grub_uint32_t iaid;
+  grub_uint32_t t1;
+  grub_uint32_t t2;
+  grub_uint8_t data[0];
+struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_iaaddr {
+  grub_uint8_t addr[16];
+  grub_uint32_t preferred_lifetime;
+  grub_uint32_t valid_lifetime;
+  grub_uint8_t data[0];
+struct grub_net_dhcp6_option_duid_ll
+  grub_uint16_t type;
+  grub_uint16_t hw_type;
+  grub_uint8_t hwaddr[6];
+  {
+  };
+  {
+    DHCP6_CLIENT_PORT = 546,
+    DHCP6_SERVER_PORT = 547
+  };
+  {
+  };
 #define        GRUB_NET_BOOTP_RFC1048_MAGIC_0  0x63
 #define        GRUB_NET_BOOTP_RFC1048_MAGIC_1  0x82
 #define        GRUB_NET_BOOTP_RFC1048_MAGIC_2  0x53
@@ -485,6 +545,21 @@ grub_net_configure_by_dhcp_ack (const char *name,
                                grub_size_t size,
                                int is_def, char **device, char **path);
+struct grub_net_network_level_interface *
+grub_net_configure_by_dhcpv6_reply (const char *name,
+                                   struct grub_net_card *card,
+                                   grub_net_interface_flags_t flags,
+                                   const struct grub_net_dhcp6_packet *v6,
+                                   grub_size_t size,
+                                   int is_def, char **device, char **path);
+grub_ipv6_get_masksize(grub_uint16_t mask[8]);
+grub_net_add_ipv6_local (struct grub_net_network_level_interface *inf,
+                        int mask);
 grub_net_add_ipv4_local (struct grub_net_network_level_interface *inf,
                         int mask);
@@ -493,6 +568,10 @@ void
 grub_net_process_dhcp (struct grub_net_buff *nb,
                       struct grub_net_network_level_interface *iface);
+grub_net_process_dhcp6 (struct grub_net_buff *nb,
+                       struct grub_net_card *card);
 grub_net_hwaddr_cmp (const grub_net_link_level_address_t *a,
                     const grub_net_link_level_address_t *b);

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