Currently GRUB spits out quite a bit of information if a command fails
for whatever reason. This is useful for sure, but in some instances it
can be quite annoying. For instance, Debian's live-build project has
GRUB configuration code in it that basically tries to load a font
blindly, if it works it configures the video hardware one way, if it
fails it configures it some other way. This oftentimes results in an
ugly error message being presented to the user that simply does not
need to be shown. In some instances it's not even possible to write
working GRUB configuration that doesn't spit out errors (for instance,
Super Grub2 Disk uses GRUB's configuration language as a scripting
language in order to autodetect operating systems, and the way it works
outputs a horrific avalanche of errors as it runs, none of which
are useful). Additionally, a lot of other times it's just more
convenient to do things in a way that could result in errors, for
instance I may try to load modules without checking for their existence
first (Debian's live-build project does this as well).

I would love if there was some way to "redirect" the output of GRUB
commands so that I didn't have to see them, sort of like an analogue to
the `2>/dev/null` construct in Bash. I don't know if this would be best
implemented as an additional '--quiet' option or something like that
for every GRUB command, or if it would be better implemented as some
sort of construct that all commands could share (maybe something like
`command > null` or something along those lines). I am interested in
trying to help implement something like this though, and am wondering
if anyone has thoughts about how to best do it before I try to write a

Thanks for your help!


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