On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 02:43:45PM +0100, Anthony PERARD via Grub-devel wrote:
> It turns out that setting $xen_version in linux_entry_xsm() override
> $xen_version in the loop over $reverse_sorted_xen_list. This means
> that only one entry per Xen version is going to enable XSM, but all
> further entries are going to have "(XSM enabled)" in their titles
> without enabling XSM.
> When a "xenpolicy-$xen_version" file was found for the current
> $xen_version, it would overwrite $xen_version to add "(XSM enabled)"
> to the menu entry title. Once updated, the next call to
> linux_entry_xsm() would also have this modified $xen_version and would
> look for the file "xenpolicy-*(XSM enabled)" and fail.
> Signed-off-by: Anthony PERARD <anthony.per...@citrix.com>

Reviewed-by: Daniel Kiper <daniel.ki...@oracle.com>


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