When grub-install is run with the verbose option, it will print a log
message indicating the grub-mkimage command and arguments used.
GRUB no longer calls the grub-mkimage binary internally, however the
command logged is a command that if run should effectively be what
grub-install used. However, as this has changed some of the newer
options have been incorrectly added so that the printed command fails
when run seperately. This change makes the output command run as
intended. While here, improve the string allocation code to be more

Signed-off-by: Glenn Washburn <developm...@efficientek.com>
 util/grub-install-common.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/util/grub-install-common.c b/util/grub-install-common.c
index 52a29d1cb8e0..014741945e15 100644
--- a/util/grub-install-common.c
+++ b/util/grub-install-common.c
@@ -617,60 +617,73 @@ grub_install_make_image_wrap_file (const char *dir, const 
char *prefix,
   int dc = decompressors ();
   if (memdisk_path)
-    slen += 20 + grub_strlen (memdisk_path);
+    slen += sizeof (" --memdisk ''") + grub_strlen (memdisk_path);
   if (config_path)
-    slen += 20 + grub_strlen (config_path);
+    slen += sizeof (" --config ''") + grub_strlen (config_path);
+  if (dtb)
+    slen += sizeof (" --dtb ''") + grub_strlen (dtb);
+  if (sbat)
+    slen += sizeof (" --sbat ''") + grub_strlen (sbat);
   for (pk = pubkeys; pk < pubkeys + npubkeys; pk++)
-    slen += 20 + grub_strlen (*pk);
+    slen += sizeof (" --pubkey ''") + grub_strlen (*pk);
   for (md = modules.entries; *md; md++)
-    {
-      slen += 10 + grub_strlen (*md);
-    }
+    slen += sizeof (" ''") + grub_strlen (*md);
   p = s = xmalloc (slen);
   if (memdisk_path)
+      *p++ = ' ';
       p = grub_stpcpy (p, "--memdisk '");
       p = grub_stpcpy (p, memdisk_path);
       *p++ = '\'';
-      *p++ = ' ';
   if (config_path)
+      *p++ = ' ';
       p = grub_stpcpy (p, "--config '");
       p = grub_stpcpy (p, config_path);
       *p++ = '\'';
+    }
+  if (dtb)
+    {
+      *p++ = ' ';
+      p = grub_stpcpy (p, "--dtb '");
+      p = grub_stpcpy (p, dtb);
+      *p++ = '\'';
+    }
+  if (sbat)
+    {
       *p++ = ' ';
+      p = grub_stpcpy (p, "--sbat '");
+      p = grub_stpcpy (p, dtb);
+      *p++ = '\'';
   for (pk = pubkeys; pk < pubkeys + npubkeys; pk++)
+      *p++ = ' ';
       p = grub_stpcpy (p, "--pubkey '");
       p = grub_stpcpy (p, *pk);
       *p++ = '\'';
-      *p++ = ' ';
   for (md = modules.entries; *md; md++)
+      *p++ = ' ';
       *p++ = '\'';
       p = grub_stpcpy (p, *md);
       *p++ = '\'';
-      *p++ = ' ';
   *p = '\0';
-  grub_util_info ("grub-mkimage --directory '%s' --prefix '%s'"
-                 " --output '%s' "
-                 " --dtb '%s' "
-                 "--sbat '%s' "
-                 "--format '%s' --compression '%s' %s %s %s\n",
-                 dir, prefix,
-                 outname, dtb ? : "", sbat ? : "", mkimage_target,
-                 compnames[compression], note ? "--note" : "",
-                 disable_shim_lock ? "--disable-shim-lock" : "", s);
+  grub_util_info ("grub-mkimage --directory '%s' --prefix '%s' --output '%s'"
+                 " --format '%s' --compression '%s'%s%s%s\n",
+                 dir, prefix, outname,
+                 mkimage_target, compnames[compression],
+                 note ? " --note" : "",
+                 disable_shim_lock ? " --disable-shim-lock" : "", s);
   free (s);
   tgt = grub_install_get_image_target (mkimage_target);

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