
I want to enable usb serial ... as it appears on the page:
http://www.coreboot.org/GRUB2, but the terminal_output command print it:

"Active output Terminals:


Available output terminals:

gfxterm spkmodem serial_ * mda_text cbmemc serial audio"

then ls command print it:

"(usb0) (memdisk)"

but when I write "serial --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1 usb0"
this print it:

"serial port 'usb0' is not found"

My computer is an Acer c710-2847 and it has a chromium OS, I wanted to add
the seaBios to install Ubuntu from USB, but I overwrote the flash ROM and
now my computer will not start, the seaBios not working. Not even shows me
the options to choose... therefore I can't read the USB. I don't know what
to do; I don't know how to come back to "Chrome OS" and I can't boot from
the USB ...the only option is to use the GRUB2 command-line but I don't
know how to use the serial usb on grub2

I thank you so much

*Juan David Alejandro Cadena Cedano*
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