
I forgot to reply to one other question you asked. Here it is.

>Unless I'm mistaken, there is no registry to record the requested class.

We did try to create one:

But apparently that wasn't the right approach, i.e., setting aside a wide range 
of 4 octet AS numbers for well-known large community (WKLC). The Chairs of IDR 
suggested that we instead request one or a few WKLC values (4 octet ASN or 
Global Administrator values). We might do that when the draft is brought back 
into active pursuit.


From: Sriram, Kotikalapudi (Fed)
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2025 9:45 AM
Subject: RE: Review of draft-ietf-grow-route-leak-detection-mitigation-14

Hi Med,

Thank you so much for taking the time to review the draft. I am writing a quick 
response for now. Will look at your detailed comments in the next few days.

The draft is in a keep alive mode (with no changes) for the last few years 
since the work on RFC 9234 and ASPA (both have Alexander and me as co-authors) 
took precedence.  Yes, if we continue to pursue it, a major revision will be 
made and there will be consistency with RFC 9234. We'll take all your comments 
into consideration.

Some network operators and IETF colleagues had been encouraging us to pursue 
both approaches: (1) transitive BGP Path Attribute (OTC in RFC 9234) and (2) 
transitive BGP Community (Down Only (DO)) in this draft.  The rationale was 
that DO can be deployed in the short term by network operators, OTC in the 
medium term, and ASPA in the long term. That rationale can be revisited.  OTC 
and ASPA seem to be well liked and considered very promising. OTC is already 
RFC 9234. ASPA should get there soon (may be this summer! ASPA verification and 
profile drafts in a mature state; 8210bis will catch up).  Current deployment 
of OTC is minimal (in some IXPs). I know vendors are very aware of RFC 9234 and 
its benefits, but I am not fully aware of their implementation plans/timelines. 
People are eagerly awaiting ASPA publication as RFCs. I understand that many 
network operators currently use a BGP Community tag internally in their AS to 
prevent route leaks locally in their AS. It is like the DO but non-transitive 
(utilized with the AS to signal from the ingress to egress). Operators had 
expressed the thought that if this draft could become an RFC, the transitive DO 
can be deployed very quickly.

Sharing some history and status of things from my perspective. Your thoughts in 
response to the above observations?


Sent: Friday, March 7, 2025 3:05 AM
Subject: Review of draft-ietf-grow-route-leak-detection-mitigation-14

Hi Kotikalapudi/Alex,

Thank you for your effort put into this document.

FWIW, you may find my review can be found at (*):

  *   Pdf:
  *   Doc:

I'm supportive of means to help route leak prevention/detection, however I have 
some reservations about the approach in the draft:

  *   The main argument (not technical one, though) is that the solution can be 
faster to deploy. That argument is appealing... however, I don't think that 
argument stands anymore after several years.
  *   Unless I'm mistaken, there is no registry to record the requested class.
  *   The doc mandates how policies are configured (including on those ASes not 
adhering to the spec!): I'm not comfortable with that tone in the draft, let 
alone that we don't have means to enforce these various MUST on policies.


(*) I'm definitely missing of the context around the draft
(*) I know that it is frustrating to receive this kind of comments after ten 
years working on a proposal. Sorry for that.


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