Working Group, and Chairs in particular:

As we'd discussed at prior presentations of the rib stats, there's a desire to 
have various BMP statistic counters standardized.  Firstly, we'd prefer to 
avoid duplication and have clear meaning assigned to allocated code points.  
Secondly, discussion with the working group helps us refine the meanings and 
make sure they're precise.

While there are standards action based code points, we've made them also 
available for first come, first served.

Unfortunately we've seen the slow path not working very well.

Please consider this a request to move ahead with the early assignments for 
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-bgp-rib-stats.  There's at least one implementation that is 
now gated on this.

The other choice is that the authors can request FCFS and simply document them 
in the draft.

-- Jeff

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