Hello everyone,

As part of the NRO RPKI 
 we would like to know more about the community’s expectations with regard to 
consistency in RPKI implementations across the Regional Internet Registries 
(RIRs). Our end goal is to define what a single, global RPKI system would look 

We want to know more about the experience of managing resources through 
multiple RIRs in order to understand whether the differences in the RIRs' RPKI 
implementations are hindering RPKI adoption, more specifically Route Origin 
Authorization (ROA) creation, and if so, which differences are the most 
painful. This will allow us to focus on making those aspects of the RPKI system 
more consistent.

Are you a network operator with permissions to create ROAs for IP space 
allocated by multiple RIRs? If so, we would greatly appreciate your 
participation in our survey before September 12:


We want to hear from those who have already created ROAs as well as those who 
may be considering creating ROAs but have not yet done so.

If this is not you, please consider forwarding this email to anyone else you 
know who could participate in the survey.

Note that survey participants can enter a drawing for the equivalent to USD 35 
e-gift voucher (If e-gift vouchers cannot be used in the winner's economy, an 
alternative gift will be provided).

We really appreciate your participation!

Warm regards,
I am sending this email at a time that suits me and the time zone I work in. 
Please feel free to read, and act on or respond, at a time that suits you.

Sofía Silva Berenguer
RPKI Program Manager, NRO / Process and Productivity Engineer, APNIC
e: so...@apnic.net<mailto:so...@apnic.net>

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