Speaking as an individual, I am satisfied with the wording.


> -----Original Messages-----
> From: "Sriram,
>  Kotikalapudi (Fed)" <kotikalapudi.sriram=40nist....@dmarc.ietf.org>
> Send time:Monday, 08/05/2024 23:12:15
> To: "Ketan Talaulikar" <ketant.i...@gmail.com>
> Cc: "i...@ietf.org" <i...@ietf.org>, "sidr...@ietf.org" <sidr...@ietf.org>, 
> "grow@ietf.org" <grow@ietf.org>
> Subject: [Sidrops] Re: WG LC for 
> draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as-set-confed-set-14 (7/8 to 7/ - call continues 
> from 7/8 to 7/26/2024 - 2nd extensions to 8/6
> Hi Ketan,
> Thank you for meeting with the draft authors in a side-meeting in Vancouver 
> (IETF 120) to offer your comments.
> You gave us the following wording suggestion for inclusion in the draft: 
> Unless explicitly configured by a network operator to do otherwise (e.g., 
> during a transition phase), BGP speakers
> - MUST NOT advertise BGP UPDATE messages containing AS_SETs or 
> - Upon reception of BGP UPDATE messages containing AS_SETs or AS_CONFED_SETs, 
> MUST use the "treat-as-withdraw" error handling behavior as per [RFC7606].
> This wording seems perfect and should satisfy many of the WG members who gave 
> feedback.  AFAIK, the authors who met with you (Jeff, Warren, and I) agree 
> with your suggestion. I have included this text in my editor copy of the 
> draft replacing the first paragraph in Sec. 3 (v-14). We'll also make text 
> changes elsewhere in the draft where needed to be consistent with this 
> change. 
> Sriram 
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