Rather than attempt to spoon-feed a reader with a long list of detailed tasks 
that is most likely incomplete and will be quickly overtaken by subsequent 
changes in the operational environment, it's more useful to elevate the level 
of the document and describe what these operational security measures are 
trying to achieve and just leave it at that. This seems like a far more useful 
approach to me.


On 28 Jun 2024, at 4:46 PM, Tobias Fiebig <tobias=40fiebig...@dmarc.ietf.org> 


as discussed in Brisbane, Nick and I cut down the draft significantly,
to focus on the essentials.

We would appreciate to hear feedback from the WG on whether this goes
into the right direction.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99
M tob...@fiebig.nl

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