Hi onf,

Op 16-02-2025 om 16:55 schreef onf:
Sounds like "modern" web browsers just break lines poorly. I have
replicated what you are describing in Firefox 128.7.0esr.

I've checked that Dillo (3.0.5) does the same.  And epiphany (42.4)
too -- before it went into a tight spin and locked-up my laptop.

In short, I would consider this to be a bug in the respective browsers.

Agreed.  A hyphen should only be considered a hyphenatable position
when it has _alphabetical_ characters on both sides.  With anything
else, it is better to not hyphenate: it is better to not hyphenate
where it would be allowed, than to hyphenate where it is a problem.

I've looked through about:config ("hyphenat", "wrap"), but there
does not seem to be any knob to control this.


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