On Thu Jan 23, 2025 at 3:47 AM CET, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2025-01-22T07:10:54+0100, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> > i'll try to focus on the most pertinent, most technical points,
> > and only respond selectively to political arguments, mostly where
> > i fear that misperceptions might arise.
> And in this retitled thread I'll deal with the technical points.  In
> another thread, if I make time for it, I'll respond to your and onf's
> rebuttals to my historical narrative.  I think onf in particular assumes
> that I'm making up historical events.  Not the case, and I've posted
> supporting citations in previous excursions of mine to this list.
> [...]

It sounded too much like a conspiracy theory, but honestly, I don't
care. I think how mdoc came to exist is entirely irrelevant to its
value TODAY.

I don't prefer it because I am some sort of BSD fanboy; I prefer it
because it's easier to use and allows me to capture the meaning of
the words I write, which then translates nicely into a visually
consistent, high quality output without much effort on my part.

~ onf

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