Hi Ingo,

thank you very much for your response!

I didn't have a *thorough* look at mom yet, it seems to have a dedicated
presentation mode, I'll study that and I'll certainly inspect the
multi-column feature.

In addition, I'll also have a look at gpresent. There is more than one
way to Rome;-)

Your comment on making a presentation more lively is absolutely correct
--- however, the material will very simply be a visualized bibliography
of approx. 180 titles where I need a picture of the book cover as an
additional visual clue to identify individual books. This cannot be done
by searching titles since they all share the same title (but are
different editions, different versions, different years of the same
text). So it is more an internal working aid than something I'll ever
use for *presenting* the material to others. Yet, today I gave a small
speech on the subject and it might be a good idea to turn this into a
"real" presentation.

With a Perl script, I can generate the .roff file for the slide deck
with little effort from my existing bibtex file.



On 27/12/2024 18:19, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
Hi Oliver,

you don't say which macro set you are using, if any.
Some macro sets may provide help with what you want.

For example, in some macro sets, simply selecting a 2-column
layout might do the trick.

Oliver Corff wrote on Fri, Dec 27, 2024 at 03:30:11PM +0100:

I just found Deri's wonderfully sober, clean and pleasant presentation
style and demonstrator which you released back in March 2018:
In that old posting, Deri mentions groff_mom(7), which i'm not
familiar with.  But looking at the manual page, i instantly
see that there are .MCO and .MCX macros.

I struggle with producing a setup that will divide my slides into two
halves. The left side should be reserved for a picture while the right
side will contain explanations to the picture.
Personally, i normally use groff_mm(7) with groff_present(7)
for presentations.  Even if you do not use groff_present(7),
which is not included in the groff distro but comes in its
own package, with pure groff_mm(7), i regularly use .MC or .2C
for your purpose.

The groff_present homepage vanished, but the latest tarball is still
available on this mirror:


By the way, not always putting the illustrations in the same place
but sometimes having them left, sometimes right, and sometimes
in the bottom might provide a minor contribution to making your
presentation more lively.

So far, I came up with the idea using tbl but I wonder whether
there are other methods as well.
For that purpose, i'd certainly try to avoid tbl(7) because tbl(7)
works best best when you have large numbers of small cells, in
particular if nothing much is going on into each cell.  A table
containing only two cells feels wasteful to me.

Thank you for enlightening me!
Best wishes, and have a good 2025!
Same, enjoy the rest of your holiday season!


Dr. Oliver Corff
Wittelsbacherstr. 5A
10707 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-85727260

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