Hi Branden,

On Mon, Dec 16, 2024 at 08:43:18AM GMT, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2024-12-16T15:24:25+0100, Alejandro Colomar wrote:
> > I see on the archives that you replied, but I didn't get a copy.  You
> > probably dropped me from CC.  :-(
> Sure.  I'm afraid my age tells.  Back in the 1990s it was considered
> almost rude to CC someone on list traffic if you knew they subscribed to
> the list.

I'm actually not subscribed anymore.  (Or more specifically, I don't
monitor the address that is subscribed, because it's a gmail address,
and Google makes it really cumbersome to use mbsync(1) with their mail.)
I sometimes check it, but only sporadically.

>  It was a simpler time, before all our inboxes turned into
> hyper-Dresdens, bombed flat a million times over by saturation spamming.
> They made a desert and called it e-commerce.
> > Would you mind bouncing me a copy of that?
> > 
> > This too, please:
> > <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2024-12/msg00003.html>
> Expect forwarded copies in your inbox shortly.



> Regards,
> Branden


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