Forgot the attachment, as usual.  :-|

Trying again.

At 2024-12-06T06:05:01-0600, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> I'm attaching the deleted material.  This appears to be the entire
> stanza of `GNULIB_defined_signbit`-related stuff.
> Maybe Solaris 10 has been field-upgraded in some way that invalidates
> tests that gnulib is doing?
> Is there something I can specify to "configure" or make(1) to override
> gnulib's decision here?

#if 1
# if (1 \
      && (!defined __cplusplus || __cplusplus < 201103))
#  undef signbit
   /* GCC >= 4.0 and clang provide three built-ins for signbit.  */
#  define signbit(x) \
   (sizeof (x) == sizeof (long double) ? __builtin_signbitl (x) : \
    sizeof (x) == sizeof (double) ? __builtin_signbit (x) : \
    __builtin_signbitf (x))
# endif
# if 1 && !GNULIB_defined_signbit
#  undef signbit
_GL_EXTERN_C int gl_signbitf (float arg);
_GL_EXTERN_C int gl_signbitd (double arg);
_GL_EXTERN_C int gl_signbitl (long double arg);
#  if __GNUC__ >= 2 || defined __clang__
#   define _GL_NUM_UINT_WORDS(type) \
      ((sizeof (type) + sizeof (unsigned int) - 1) / sizeof (unsigned int))
#   if defined FLT_SIGNBIT_WORD && defined FLT_SIGNBIT_BIT && !defined 
#    define gl_signbitf_OPTIMIZED_MACRO
#    define gl_signbitf(arg) \
       __extension__                                                    \
       ({ union { float _value;                                         \
                  unsigned int _word[_GL_NUM_UINT_WORDS (float)];       \
                } _m;                                                   \
          _m._value = (arg);                                            \
          (_m._word[FLT_SIGNBIT_WORD] >> FLT_SIGNBIT_BIT) & 1;          \
#   endif
#   if defined DBL_SIGNBIT_WORD && defined DBL_SIGNBIT_BIT && !defined 
#    define gl_signbitd_OPTIMIZED_MACRO
#    define gl_signbitd(arg) \
       __extension__                                                    \
       ({ union { double _value;                                        \
                  unsigned int _word[_GL_NUM_UINT_WORDS (double)];      \
                } _m;                                                   \
          _m._value = (arg);                                            \
          (_m._word[DBL_SIGNBIT_WORD] >> DBL_SIGNBIT_BIT) & 1;          \
#   endif
#   if defined LDBL_SIGNBIT_WORD && defined LDBL_SIGNBIT_BIT && !defined 
#    define gl_signbitl_OPTIMIZED_MACRO
#    define gl_signbitl(arg) \
       __extension__                                                    \
       ({ union { long double _value;                                   \
                  unsigned int _word[_GL_NUM_UINT_WORDS (long double)]; \
                } _m;                                                   \
          _m._value = (arg);                                            \
          (_m._word[LDBL_SIGNBIT_WORD] >> LDBL_SIGNBIT_BIT) & 1;        \
#   endif
#  endif
#  define signbit(x) \
   (sizeof (x) == sizeof (long double) ? gl_signbitl (x) : \
    sizeof (x) == sizeof (double) ? gl_signbitd (x) : \
    gl_signbitf (x))
#  define GNULIB_defined_signbit 1
# endif
# ifdef __cplusplus
#  if defined signbit || defined GNULIB_NAMESPACE
#   undef signbit
#   if __GNUC__ >= 6 || (defined __clang__ && !((defined __APPLE__ && defined 
__MACH__) || defined __FreeBSD__ || defined __OpenBSD__ || defined _AIX || 
(defined _WIN32 && !defined __CYGWIN__)))
  /* This platform's <cmath> possibly defines signbit through a set of inline
     functions.  */
_GL_MATH_CXX_REAL_FLOATING_DECL_2 (signbit, rpl_signbit, bool)
#    define signbit rpl_signbit
#   else
_GL_MATH_CXX_REAL_FLOATING_DECL_2 (signbit, signbit, bool)
#   endif
#  endif
# endif
# if defined signbit
#  undef signbit
#  define signbit(x) _GL_WARN_REAL_FLOATING_IMPL (signbit, x)
# endif

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