hello Branden,

On Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 10:47:21AM -0600, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> >     $ ./boostrap && ./configure
> [...]
> >     configure: groff's version string must start with three decimal
> >     integers separated by dots.  "" does not match.
> > 
> > I edited the configure script manually so I can run make check
> I recently became aware of this problem.  Apparently shallow (more
> specifically, depth 1) Git clones are much more popular than I thought!

But more dangerous that I thought. I almost never checkout history so I
have this in my .zshrc:

        alias -s git='git clone --depth=1'

so I copy paste URLs with .git extensions in my term and just press ENTER to 

As I am an occasional contributor on numerous repos, it save time and

> Instead of hacking the configure script, you can populate the
> .tarball-version file.
> $ echo > .tarball-version
> See <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1082520> for
> background.

thanks for this! I was puzzled when I read the problem came from shallow
repos but using git tags to get the current version is a practice I will
consider (I avoid multiple sources of information).

> > > You can find out more about the framework groff uses for automated tests
> > > at the following link.
> > > 
> > > https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/automake.html#Scripts_002dbased-Testsuites

OK. It's actually the other way around: It harness TAP when I hoped it
to produce TAP.

I thought the info was worth a patch on testanything site but it's already 


And I came back to my question out of curiosity: is it a harness to
harness the automake report output :)

the most important part of the doc is can ne summarized in 3 lines of

        ok()    { exit  0 ; }
        skip()  { exit 77 ; }
        bruce() { exit 99 ; } # because Bruce is the one who die hard

> I would agree that the GNU build system is intimidating.  I've come to
> the conclusion that build systems that have to cope with a diversity of
> software projects and target platforms always become complex

In my ecosystem

* have the chance to focus on linux so make is good enough
* work with people who don't even use make to deply so a Makefile is an 

My next step in packaging effort is to create debian packages for libraries 
used by
researchers so they can `apt-get build-deps .`.

thanks again for your helpful effort

Marc Chantreux
Pôle CESAR (Calcul et services avancés à la recherche)
Université de Strasbourg
14 rue René Descartes,

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