Hi onf,

At 2024-11-03T03:25:01+0100, onf wrote:
> On Sat Nov 2, 2024 at 4:15 AM CET, Dave Kemper wrote:
> > Parsing strings that contain escapes is something that an open groff
> > bug report (http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?62264) seeks to make more
> > consistent.  Does the mechanism proposed in that report sound like
> > it would solve the problem you're facing?  (By default, the savannah
> > bug tracker displays comments from newest to oldest, but the thread
> > will be easier to follow if you click the "Reverse comment order"
> > button in the "Discussion" section.)
> I am glad to hear it's a known issue/limitation that's being worked
> on.  Adding a string iterator would fix this, although it would make
> my code significantly more complex as I would have to compare the
> strings character by character (my has-prefix macro can handle
> arbitrarily long prefixes, and I also have a has-suffix macro which
> would be even worse).
One reason to have the string(/macro/diversion) iterator request is that
as soon as do, we can use it to construct a "string library" macro
package.  "string.tmac" seems like a likely name.

What I envision is removing several of the string-handling requests from
GNU troff and replacing them with macros in "string.tmac".


"string.tmac" would also be a useful place to experiment with things

        .slice (return a substring using Python-esque indexing)

And maybe AWK-like replacement macros:


The nice thing about having these in a macro file is that doing so pours
somewhat less cement over them than having them in the formatter does.
We could, if we wished, apply semantic versioning to our "string

> A problem with this solution is that it's incomplete. It addresses a
> particular issue arrising from troff's usage of macro substitution,
> but doesn't solve the others. For instance, I would still run into
> issues if I tried to compare a literal ' against anything and
> delimited the comparands by the same character, which can happen with
> the proposed iterator mechanism:
>   .ie '\\*[ch]'"' \" ...

We can't verify or refute that claim until the code is in place, but I
expect that you are wrong about this, unless you run the formatter in
AT&T compatibility mode (in which case the syntax `\*[ch]` won't work

info '(groff) Compatibility Mode':

     Normally, GNU 'troff' preserves the interpolation depth in
  delimited arguments, but not in compatibility mode.

       .ds xx '
           => 168 (normal mode on a terminal device)
           => 72def' (compatibility mode on a terminal device)

>   $ groff -b -ww -z
>   .ds str "'\"
>   .ie '\*[str]'\'' .tm groff: single quote
>   .el .tm groff: else
>   groff: else

This fails because `\` does not escape the apostrophe the way you think
it does.  `\'` is a special character escape sequence.


Escape sequence short reference
       \'     is a synonym for \[aa], the acute accent special

You'll need to do this a slightly different way when attempting to match
a character that happens to be the same as the delimiter in a formatted
output comparison.  One layer of indirection will do.

$ groff <<EOF
##> .ds needle '
.ds haystack '
.ie '\*[needle]'\*[haystack]' .tm it matches
.el .tm no match
##> EOF
it matches


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