> For a small fanzine project I want to typeset magazine
> style end marks [1]. Particularly I want to include the
> authors handle or name in the end mark, like seen for 
> instance in some articles like in this issue of the
> Space Gamer Magazine [2].

How about this (see attachment)?
It prints the partially collected line, and if there
was enough room for the end mark to fit, spaces up one
line again.  Then it prints the and mark right-adjusted.
This should be good enough unless you have extra tall
constructs with in the text.

.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.ll 5c
.po 3c
.sp 3c
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.de Au
.gcolor red
.ta \\n(.luR
.ad l
\t\[em] \fI\\$1\fP
.ad b
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.de AU
.gcolor blue
.ds XX "  \(em \fI\\$1\fP
.nr XX \w'\\*(XX'
.if \\n(.n+\\n(XX<\\n(.l .sp -1
.ad r
.ad b
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.de Tx
Either on the last line of the article, or \(em if that line is
too long to accomodate the end mark \(em on the following line.
.de Ty
So in any case the end mark should be flush right.
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.Au "The author"
.AU "The author"
.AU "The author with a very long name"
.Au "The author"
.AU "The author"

Attachment: endmarks.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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