> some of the huge tables which in my original sources spread > over two book pages, appear truncated by the PDF, no matter > what papersize I try to set (e.g. like A3).
The default column separation is 3 ens. We can make the table a bit narrower by reducing this to 2 ens, lb2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 l and then the table does fit within the width of A3 landscape, as the attached example shows. (This was formatted with mm which supports multi-page tables with repeated headers. I also messed with the vertical spacing around the horizontal lines a bit. I first tried to add .sp requests before and after the horizontal lines, but then the last line that should have been on the bottom is always pushed to the next page. So I gave up and added extra-linespace requests using \x instead.)
Description: Adobe PDF document
.\" tbl a3 land .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------- .\" vim:syntax=groff .\" .\" 1985_1006_Politbuero.tbl .\" .\" Oliver Corff, 2020-04-03 .\" .\" .\" .\" .so ../Pool/0_Definitionen.roff .\" fam H .nr L 29.7c .nr W 42c-4c .nr O 2c .mso m.tmac .ds pg*header ''\(en \\nP \(en'' .ps 10 .vs 12 .TS H expand nospaces tab(|) decimalpoint(,); lb2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 l l s l l l c s l l l l l l l l l l s l l l c s l l l l l l l l l r l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l. \x' 2.5p'Politb\[:u]ro des ZK der SED\fR (Neu zusammengestellt von Bernd Niedbalski) | Stand August 1984 _ \x'-2.5p'Mitglieder |Geb.-|Partei- |Partei- |Politb\[:u]ro |ZK-Sekretariat |Wichtige |Ministerrat |Nat. Vert.- |Staatsrat |Volkskammer |Massenorganis. |FDJ-Hintergrund|Bildung |Jahr |zugeh\[:o]rigkeit|eintritt|ZK |Funktion |Parteifunktionen | |Rat | | | |Zentralrat \x' 2.5p' | | | | |Kandidat |Mitglied |seit |z. Z. _ .TH \x'-2.5p'1.|Honecker, |1912 |KPD |1929 |1950 |1958 |Generalsekr. 1976 | | |Vorsitz 1971 |Vorsitz 1976 |Abg. | |FDJ-Vorsitz |Dachdecker |Erich | | | | |PV/ZK 1946 |Erster Sekr. 1971 | | |Sekr. 1960\-71 |Mitgl. 1971 | | |1946\-55 |1955/56 PHS KPdSU \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | |Sekr. 1958 _ \x'-2.5p'2.|Axen, |1916 |KPD |1942 |1963 |1970 |Internat. Verbind. | | |Mitglied | |Abg. |Mitgl. Zentr.ltg. |ZR-Sekr. |Realgymnasium |Hermann | | | | |ZK 1950 |1966 | | | | |Vors d. Aussch.|u Pr\[:a]s d. Kom. |1946\-49 |Journalist | | | | | | |Agitprop 1950\-53 | | | | |f. Ausw. Angel.|d. Antifasch. | | | | | | | | | | | | |Widerstands- \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | | | | | |k\[:a]mpfer _ \x'-2.5p'3.|Dohlus, |1925 |KPD |1946 |1976 |1980 |Parteiorgane 1973 |ZK-Abt.-Leiter | | | |Abg. | | |Friseur |Horst | | | |ZK 1950 |ZK 1963 |Mitgl. d. Sekr. |Parteiorgane | | | | | | |1954/55 PHS KPdSU \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | |1971\-73 _ \x'-2.5p'4.|Felfe, |1928 |KPD |1945 |1973 |1976 |Landwirtschaft | | | |Mitgl. 1981 |Abg. | |2. ZR-Sekr. |Ind.-Kaufmann |Werner | | | |ZK 1954 |ZK 1963 |1981 | | | | | | |1954\-57 |1953 PHS SED | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1963\-65 TH \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Dipl.-Ing. \[:O]k. _ \x'-2.5p'5.|H\[:a]ber, |1930 |SED |1946 |ZK 1976 |1984 |Westfragen |ZK-Abt.-Leiter |Stellv. Staatss.| | | | | |1971\-73 Direktor |Prof. Herbert| | | | |ZK 1978 |1984 |Westfragen |f. gesamtdtsch. | | | | | |d. Inst f. Int. Politik u. | | | | | | | |1973 |bzw. westdtsch. | | | | | |Wirtschaft/Prof. \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | |Fragen 1965\-71 | _ \x'-2.5p'6.|Hager, |1912 |KPD |1930 |1958 |1963 |Kultur und | | | |Mitgl. 1976 |Abg. | | |Abitur |Prof. Kurt | | | |ZK 1950 |ZK 1954 |Wissenschaft | | | | |Vors. d. Aussch.| | |Journalist \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | |1955 | | | | |f. Volksbildung| | |ord. Prof. _ \x'-2.5p'7.|Herrmann, |1928 |SED |1946 |1973 |1978 |Agitat. u. Prop. 1978| | | | |Abg. |Mitgl. d. Pr\[:a]s.|Mitgl. d. ZR u.|Mittelschule |Joachim | | | |ZK 1967 |ZK 1971 |Mitgl. d. Sekr. | | | | | |d. Nationalrats |dessen B\[:u]ro|Journalist \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | |1976\-78 | | | | | |d. Nat. Front |1952\-61 |Redakteur-Dipl. 1955 _ \x'-2.5p'8.|Hoffmann, |1910 |KPD |1930 |ZK 1950\*[sup 1]|1973 | | |Nationale |Mitglied\*[sup 3]| |Abg. | | |Motorenschlosser |Heinz | | | | |ZK 1952 | | |Verteidigung | | | | | |1955\-57 SU Gen.- |Armeegeneral| | | | | | | |1960 | | | | | |Stabsakademie \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Dipl.-Mil.-Wiss. _ \x'-2.5p'9.|Jarowinsky, |1927 |KPD |1945 |1963 |1984 |Handel u. Ver- | | | | |Abg. | | |Ind.-Kaufmann |Dr. Werner | | | | |ZK 1963 |sorgung 1963 | | | | |Vors. d. Aussch.| | |ABF/Studium 1945\-47/ | | | | | | | | | | | |f. Handel u. | | |48\-51 Dipl. Wirtsch. \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | | | | |Versorgung | | |Dr. rer. oec. 1956 _ \x'-2.5p'10.|Kleiber, |1931 |SED |1949 |1967 |1984 | | |Stellvertr. d. | | |Abg. | | |Elektriker |G\[:u]nther| | | | |ZK 1963 | | |Vors. 1971 | | | | | |ABF/Studium 1950\-52/ | | | | | | | | |Min f. Masch.-,| | | | | |53\-58 | | | | | | | | |Landmasch. u. | | | | | |Dipl.-Ing. | | | | | | | | |Fahrzeugbau \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | |1973 _ \x'-2.5p'11.|Krenz, |1931 |SED |1945 |1976 |1983 |Sicherheit; Jugend | | | |Mitgl. 1981 |Abg. | |1. Sekr. d. ZR |Lehrer |Egon | | | |ZK 1971 |ZK 1973 |u. Sport 1983 | | | |Stellvertr. d. | | |1974 |1964\-67 PHS KPdSU | | | | | | | | | | |Vors. 1984 | | |Sekr. d. ZR |Dipl. Ges.-Wiss. \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1961\-64 _ \x'-2.5p'12.|Krolikowski,|1928|SED |1946 | |1971 |Wirtschaft | |1. Stellvertr. | | |Abg. | | |kaufm. Lehre \x' 2.5p' |Werner | | | | |ZK 1963 |1973\-76 | |d. Vors. 1976 | | | | | |Angestellter _ \x'-2.5p'13.|Mielke, |1907 |KPD |1925 |1971 |1976 | | |Staatssicher- |Mitglied\*[sup 3]| |Abg. | | |Volksschule/Gymn. |Erich | | | | |ZK 1950 | | |heit 1957 | | | | | |Expedient \x' 2.5p' |Generaloberst _ \x'-2.5p'14.|Mittag, |1926 |SED |1946 |1963 |1966 |Wirtschaft 1976 | |Stellvertr. |Mitglied\*[sup 3]|Mitgl. 1979 |Abg. | | |Eisenbahner |Dr. G\[:u]nter| | | |ZK 1958 |ZK 1962 |1958\-61/1962\-73 | |d. Vors. | |1963\-71 |Vors d. Aussch.| | |Dipl. Wirtsch. | | | | | | | |1973\-76 | |Stellvertr. d. |f. Ind., Bauwes| | |Dr. rer. oec. 1958 \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | | |Vors. 1984 |u. Verkehr _ \x'-2.5p'15.|M\[:u]ckenberger,|1910|SPD |1927 |1950 |1958 |Landwirtschaft |Vors. d. ZPKK | | | |Abg./Mitgl. d. |Pr\[:a]s. d. DSF | | Maschinenschlosser |Erich | | | | |ZK 1950 |1953\-60 |1971 | | | |Pr\[:a]s. d. VK/Vors.| | |1948/49 PHS SED \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | | | | |d. SED-Fraktion _ \x'-2.5p'16.|Naumann, |1928 |KPD |1945 |1973 |1976 |1984 |1. Sekr. Bez. Ltg.| | |Mitgl. 1984 |Abg. | |Mitgl. d. ZR |Landarbeiter |Konrad | | | |ZK 1963\*[sup 2]|ZK 1966\*[sup 2]| |Berlin 1971 | | | | | |1952\-67 |1951/52 Koms. HS | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Sekr. 1957\-64 |Dipl.-Lehrer f. ML | | | | | | | | | | | | | |2. Sekr. d. ZR \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1967\-71 _ \x'-2.5p'17.|Neumann, |1909 |KPD |1929 |1954 |1958 | | |1. Stellvertr. | | |Abg. | | |Tischler \x' 2.5p' |Alfred | | | | |ZK 1954 | | |d. Vors. 1968 _ \x'-2.5p'18.|Schabowski,|1929 |SED |1952 |1981 |1984 | |Chefredakteur | | | |Abg. | | |Dipl.-Journalist |G\[:u]nter | | | | |ZK 1981 | |\[Bq]Neues | | | | | | |1962 Univ. Leipzig \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | |Deutschland\[lq] | | | | | | |1967\-68 PHS KPdSU _ \x'-2.5p'19.|Sindermann,|1915 |KPD |1945 |1963 |1967 | | |Vors. d. M. | |Stellvertr. |Abg. | | |Realgymnasium \x' 2.5p' |Horst | | | |ZK 1958 |ZK 1963 | | |1973\-76 | |d. Vors. 1976 |Pr\[:a]s. d. VK| | |Journalist _ \x'-2.5p'20.|Stoph, |1914 |KPD |1931 | |1953 | | |Vors. d. M. |Mitglied\*[sup 3]|Stellvertr. |Abg. | | |Maurer \x' 2.5p' |Willi | | | | |ZK 1950 | | |1976 | |d. Vors. 1976 | | | |Bautechniker _ \x'-2.5p'21.|Tisch, |1927 |KPD |1945 |1971 |1975 | | | | |Mitgl. 1975 |Abg. |Vors. d. BV d. FDGB| |Bauschlosser |Harry | | | | |ZK 1963 | | | | | | |Mitgl. d. Pr\[:a]s.| |1953\-55 PHS SED | | | | | | | | | | | | |d. Nationalrats | |Dipl.-Ges.-Wiss. \x' 2.5p' | | | | | | | | | | | | |d. Nat. Front _ .T& l s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s. .sp .25 1 Fehlt im Handbuch der Volkskammer 1982. 2 Laut Handbuch der Volkskammer 1982 ZK-Mitglied seit 1963. 3 Vom Nationalen Verteidigungsrat sind nur der Vorsitzende E. Honecker \0 und der Sekret\[:a]r, Generaloberst F. Streletz bekannt; die \[:u]brigen \0 Mitglieder lassen sich nicht eindeutig bestimmen. .TE