> some of the huge tables which in my original sources spread
> over two book pages, appear truncated by the PDF, no matter
> what papersize I try to set (e.g. like A3).

The default column separation is 3 ens.  We can make the table
a bit narrower by reducing this to 2 ens,

  lb2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 l

and then the table does fit within the width of A3 landscape,
as the attached example shows.

(This was formatted with mm which supports multi-page tables
with repeated headers.  I also messed with the vertical
spacing around the horizontal lines a bit.  I first tried
to add .sp requests before and after the horizontal lines,
but then the last line that should have been on the bottom
is always pushed to the next page.  So I gave up and added
extra-linespace requests using \x instead.)

Attachment: 1985_1006_Politbuero.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

.\" tbl a3 land
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.\" vim:syntax=groff
.\" 1985_1006_Politbuero.tbl
.\" Oliver Corff, 2020-04-03
.\" .so ../Pool/0_Definitionen.roff
.\" fam H
.nr L 29.7c
.nr W 42c-4c
.nr O 2c
.mso m.tmac
.ds pg*header ''\(en \\nP \(en''
.ps 10
.vs 12
expand nospaces tab(|) decimalpoint(,);
lb2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 l
l  s l l l c s l l l l l l l l l
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r  l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l.
\x' 2.5p'Politb\[:u]ro des ZK der SED\fR  (Neu zusammengestellt von Bernd 
Niedbalski) | Stand August 1984
\x'-2.5p'Mitglieder     |Geb.-|Partei-          |Partei- |Politb\[:u]ro         
       |ZK-Sekretariat       |Wichtige          |Ministerrat    |Nat. Vert.-    
|Staatsrat      |Volkskammer    |Massenorganis.     |FDJ-Hintergrund|Bildung
                        |Jahr |zugeh\[:o]rigkeit|eintritt|ZK                    
       |Funktion             |Parteifunktionen  |               |Rat            
|               |               |                   |Zentralrat
\x' 2.5p'  |            |     |                 |        |Kandidat      
|Mitglied      |seit                 |z. Z.
\x'-2.5p'1.|Honecker,   |1912 |KPD              |1929    |1950          |1958   
       |Generalsekr. 1976    |                  |               |Vorsitz 1971   
|Vorsitz 1976   |Abg.           |                   |FDJ-Vorsitz    |Dachdecker
           |Erich       |     |                 |        |              |PV/ZK 
1946    |Erster Sekr. 1971    |                  |               |Sekr. 
1960\-71 |Mitgl. 1971    |               |                   |1946\-55       
|1955/56 PHS KPdSU
\x' 2.5p'  |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |Sekr. 1958
\x'-2.5p'2.|Axen,       |1916 |KPD              |1942    |1963          |1970   
       |Internat. Verbind.   |                  |               |Mitglied       
|               |Abg.           |Mitgl. Zentr.ltg.  |ZR-Sekr.       
           |Hermann     |     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1950       |1966                 |                  |               |           
    |               |Vors d. Aussch.|u Pr\[:a]s d. Kom. |1946\-49       
           |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |Agitprop 1950\-53    |                  |               |               
|               |f. Ausw. Angel.|d. Antifasch.
           |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |Widerstands-
\x' 2.5p'  |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |k\[:a]mpfer
\x'-2.5p'3.|Dohlus,     |1925 |KPD              |1946    |1976          |1980   
       |Parteiorgane 1973    |ZK-Abt.-Leiter    |               |               
|               |Abg.           |                   |               |Friseur
           |Horst       |     |                 |        |ZK 1950       |ZK 
1963       |Mitgl. d. Sekr.      |Parteiorgane      |               |           
    |               |               |                   |               
|1954/55 PHS KPdSU
\x' 2.5p'  |            |     |                 |        |              |       
\x'-2.5p'4.|Felfe,      |1928 |KPD              |1945    |1973          |1976   
       |Landwirtschaft       |                  |               |               
|Mitgl. 1981    |Abg.           |                   |2. ZR-Sekr.    
           |Werner      |     |                 |        |ZK 1954       |ZK 
1963       |1981                 |                  |               |           
    |               |               |                   |1954\-57       |1953 
           |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |                   |               |1963\-65 TH
\x' 2.5p'  |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |                   |               |Dipl.-Ing. 
\x'-2.5p'5.|H\[:a]ber,  |1930 |SED              |1946    |ZK 1976       |1984   
       |Westfragen           |ZK-Abt.-Leiter    |Stellv. Staatss.|              
|               |               |                   |               |1971\-73 
           |Prof. Herbert|    |                 |        |              |ZK 
1978       |1984                 |Westfragen        |f. gesamtdtsch. |          
    |               |               |                   |               |d. 
Inst f. Int. Politik u.
           |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |1973              |bzw. westdtsch. |              
|               |               |                   |               
\x' 2.5p'  |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |Fragen 1965\-71 |
\x'-2.5p'6.|Hager,      |1912 |KPD              |1930    |1958          |1963   
       |Kultur und           |                  |               |               
|Mitgl. 1976    |Abg.           |                   |               |Abitur
           |Prof. Kurt  |     |                 |        |ZK 1950       |ZK 
1954       |Wissenschaft         |                  |               |           
    |               |Vors. d. Aussch.|                  |               
\x' 2.5p'  |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |1955                 |                  |               |               
|               |f. Volksbildung|                   |               |ord. Prof.
\x'-2.5p'7.|Herrmann,   |1928 |SED              |1946    |1973          |1978   
       |Agitat. u. Prop. 1978|                  |               |               
|               |Abg.           |Mitgl. d. Pr\[:a]s.|Mitgl. d. ZR 
           |Joachim     |     |                 |        |ZK 1967       |ZK 
1971       |Mitgl. d. Sekr.      |                  |               |           
    |               |               |d. Nationalrats    |dessen 
\x' 2.5p'  |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |1976\-78             |                  |               |               
|               |               |d. Nat. Front      |1952\-61       
|Redakteur-Dipl. 1955
\x'-2.5p'8.|Hoffmann,   |1910 |KPD              |1930    |ZK 1950\*[sup 1]|1973 
         |                     |                  |Nationale      
|Mitglied\*[sup 3]|               |Abg.           |                   |         
           |Heinz       |     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1952       |                     |                  |Verteidigung   |           
    |               |               |                   |               
|1955\-57 SU Gen.-
           |Armeegeneral|     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |1960           |               
|               |               |                   |               
\x' 2.5p'  |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |                   |               
\x'-2.5p'9.|Jarowinsky, |1927 |KPD              |1945    |1963          |1984   
       |Handel u. Ver-       |                  |               |               
|               |Abg.           |                   |               
           |Dr. Werner  |     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1963       |sorgung 1963         |                  |               |           
    |               |Vors. d. Aussch.|                  |               
|ABF/Studium 1945\-47/
           |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |f. Handel u.   |                   |               |48\-51 
Dipl. Wirtsch.
\x' 2.5p'  |            |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |Versorgung     |                   |               |Dr. rer. 
oec. 1956
\x'-2.5p'10.|Kleiber,   |1931 |SED              |1949    |1967          |1984   
       |                     |                  |Stellvertr. d. |               
|               |Abg.           |                   |               |Elektriker
            |G\[:u]nther|     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1963       |                     |                  |Vors. 1971     |           
    |               |               |                   |               
|ABF/Studium 1950\-52/
            |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |Min f. Masch.-,|               
|               |               |                   |               |53\-58
            |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |Landmasch. u.  |               
|               |               |                   |               |Dipl.-Ing.
            |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |Fahrzeugbau
\x' 2.5p'   |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |1973
\x'-2.5p'11.|Krenz,     |1931 |SED              |1945    |1976          |1983   
       |Sicherheit; Jugend   |                  |               |               
|Mitgl. 1981    |Abg.           |                   |1. Sekr. d. ZR |Lehrer
            |Egon       |     |                 |        |ZK 1971       |ZK 
1973       |u. Sport 1983        |                  |               |           
    |Stellvertr. d. |               |                   |1974           
|1964\-67 PHS KPdSU
            |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|Vors. 1984     |               |                   |Sekr. d. ZR    |Dipl. 
\x' 2.5p'   |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |                   |1961\-64
\x'-2.5p'12.|Krolikowski,|1928|SED              |1946    |              |1971   
       |Wirtschaft           |                  |1. Stellvertr. |               
|               |Abg.           |                   |               |kaufm. 
\x' 2.5p'   |Werner     |     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1963       |1973\-76             |                  |d. Vors. 1976  |           
    |               |               |                   |               
\x'-2.5p'13.|Mielke,    |1907 |KPD              |1925    |1971          |1976   
       |                     |                  |Staatssicher-  |Mitglied\*[sup 
3]|               |Abg.           |                   |               
            |Erich      |     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1950       |                     |                  |heit 1957      |           
    |               |               |                   |               
\x' 2.5p'   |Generaloberst
\x'-2.5p'14.|Mittag,    |1926 |SED              |1946    |1963          |1966   
       |Wirtschaft 1976      |                  |Stellvertr.    |Mitglied\*[sup 
3]|Mitgl. 1979    |Abg.           |                   |               
            |Dr. G\[:u]nter|  |                 |        |ZK 1958       |ZK 
1962       |1958\-61/1962\-73    |                  |d. Vors.       |           
    |1963\-71       |Vors d. Aussch.|                   |               |Dipl. 
            |                 |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |1973\-76       |               
|Stellvertr. d. |f. Ind., Bauwes|                   |               |Dr. rer. 
oec. 1958
\x' 2.5p'   |                 |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|Vors. 1984     |u. Verkehr
\x'-2.5p'15.|M\[:u]ckenberger,|1910|SPD         |1927    |1950          |1958   
       |Landwirtschaft       |Vors. d. ZPKK     |               |               
|               |Abg./Mitgl. d. |Pr\[:a]s. d. DSF   |               |        
            |Erich      |     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1950       |1953\-60             |1971              |               |           
    |               |Pr\[:a]s. d. VK/Vors.|             |               
|1948/49 PHS SED
\x' 2.5p'   |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |d. SED-Fraktion
\x'-2.5p'16.|Naumann,   |1928 |KPD              |1945    |1973          |1976   
       |1984                 |1. Sekr. Bez. Ltg.|               |               
|Mitgl. 1984    |Abg.           |                   |Mitgl. d. ZR   
            |Konrad     |     |                 |        |ZK 1963\*[sup 2]|ZK 
1966\*[sup 2]|                     |Berlin 1971       |               |         
      |               |               |                   |1952\-67       
|1951/52 Koms. HS
            |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |                   |Sekr. 1957\-64 
|Dipl.-Lehrer f. ML
            |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |                   |2. Sekr. d. ZR
\x' 2.5p'   |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |                   |1967\-71
\x'-2.5p'17.|Neumann,   |1909 |KPD              |1929    |1954          |1958   
       |                     |                  |1. Stellvertr. |               
|               |Abg.           |                   |               |Tischler
\x' 2.5p'   |Alfred     |     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1954       |                     |                  |d. Vors. 1968
\x'-2.5p'18.|Schabowski,|1929 |SED              |1952    |1981          |1984   
       |                     |Chefredakteur     |               |               
|               |Abg.           |                   |               
            |G\[:u]nter |     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1981       |                     |\[Bq]Neues        |               |           
    |               |               |                   |               |1962 
Univ. Leipzig
\x' 2.5p'   |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |Deutschland\[lq]  |               |               
|               |               |                   |               |1967\-68 
\x'-2.5p'19.|Sindermann,|1915 |KPD              |1945    |1963          |1967   
       |                     |                  |Vors. d. M.    |               
|Stellvertr.    |Abg.           |                   |               
\x' 2.5p'   |Horst      |     |                 |        |ZK 1958       |ZK 
1963       |                     |                  |1973\-76       |           
    |d. Vors. 1976  |Pr\[:a]s. d. VK|                   |               
\x'-2.5p'20.|Stoph,     |1914 |KPD              |1931    |              |1953   
       |                     |                  |Vors. d. M.    |Mitglied\*[sup 
3]|Stellvertr.    |Abg.           |                   |               |Maurer
\x' 2.5p'   |Willi      |     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1950       |                     |                  |1976           |           
    |d. Vors. 1976  |               |                   |               
\x'-2.5p'21.|Tisch,     |1927 |KPD              |1945    |1971          |1975   
       |                     |                  |               |               
|Mitgl. 1975    |Abg.           |Vors. d. BV d. FDGB|               
            |Harry      |     |                 |        |              |ZK 
1963       |                     |                  |               |           
    |               |               |Mitgl. d. Pr\[:a]s.|               
|1953\-55 PHS SED
            |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |d. Nationalrats    |               
\x' 2.5p'   |           |     |                 |        |              |       
       |                     |                  |               |               
|               |               |d. Nat. Front
l s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s.
.sp .25
1 Fehlt im Handbuch der Volkskammer 1982.
2 Laut Handbuch der Volkskammer 1982 ZK-Mitglied seit 1963.
3 Vom Nationalen Verteidigungsrat sind nur der Vorsitzende E. Honecker
\0 und der Sekret\[:a]r, Generaloberst F. Streletz bekannt; die \[:u]brigen
\0 Mitglieder lassen sich nicht eindeutig bestimmen.

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