> More precisely, you get the Death Star, not the Wehrmacht helmet.
> The latter is what appears in 32vscan.pdf.

> > Be nice to include that.

Wikipedia has an SVG of the logo, but it's a bit asymmetric.
Instead of trying to fix it I decided to draw a new one,
based on a bitmap image I found on the web.

This one is in Postscript and it doesn't set the color, so
in principle you can have it drawn in any color you like by
setting the color before including the graphic with "ps: import",
*if* you comment out the "0 setgray" in PBEGIN in the grops prolog.
Or you do the work of "ps: import" yourself using "ps: exec" and
"ps: file", as in the attached example, in which case no change
to the grops prolog is necessary.

Attachment: Bell-Logo-1969-rounded.ps
Description: PostScript document

Attachment: Bell-Logo-1969.ps
Description: PostScript document

.\" ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.po 3c
.ll 21c-6c
.sp 3c
.defcolor Bellblue rgb 0 0.6 1
This is the Bell logo
\X'ps: exec gsave currentpoint translate 12 1000 div dup neg scale /showpage { 
} def'\
\X'ps: file Bell-Logo-1969-rounded.ps'\
\X'ps: exec grestore'\v'-0.25m'\h'12p'\m[]
from 1969.

Attachment: Bell-logo-test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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