Thanks. Some remarks.
1) All input files should have the same encoding or an including (higher order) one 2) 'groff' can only deal with 'ascii' and 'latin1' encodings itself 3) therefor all other encodings must be converted to ascii (7 bit encoding) with 'preconv', for example with the option '-K <encoding>' for 'groff' or explicitly with 'preconv -e '<encoding>' <raw file> > <file> 4) in your example preconv -e iso88597 doc.ref > <file.7bit> or to simplify mv doc.ref > raw.doc.ref (or doc.ref.raw, etc.) preconv -e iso88597 raw.doc.ref > doc.ref and the rest as usual. So the 'doc.ref' file becomes .lf 1 raw.doc.ref %K ecb24space %Q European Central Bank %C Main %D 2022 %T Study on the payment attitudes of consumers in the euro area (SPACE) - 2022 %O \[u03A0]\[u03B7]\[u03B3]\[u03AE]: \[u03A0]\[u03C1]\[u03BF]\[u03C3]\[u03C0]\[u03B5]\[u03BB]\[u03AC]\[u03C3]\[u03C4]\[u03B7]\[u03BA]\[u03B5] \[u03C3]\[u03C4]\[u03B9]\[u03C2] 12 \[u039C]\[u03B1]\[u03CA]\[u03BF]\[u03C5] 24]