At 2024-01-23T19:10:00-0600, Dave Kemper wrote:
> On 1/23/24, T. Kurt Bond <> wrote:
> > I have a groff -ms source file
> [...]
> > When I groff it with version 1.23.0 the page breaks
> > corresponding to the explicit .bp requests are missing.
> This item in the (very lengthy) NEWS file for 1.23 probably explains
> the change you're seeing:
>   The s (ms) macro package now enables the formatter's "no-space mode"
>   after ending displays (`DE`), equations (`EN`), tables (`TE`), and
>   pictures without flyback (`PE`).  This means that display distance
>   spacing (the `DD` register) overrides the spacing that may follow in
>   a subsequent paragraph, section heading, or display instead of
>   accumulating with that distance.  This change is to make the behavior
>   of the package more predictable; you can fine-tune such spacing by
>   setting the `DD` register in desired places.  It has also helped us
>   to improve groff ms's rendering of historical ms(7) documents such as
>   Kernighan & Cherry's "Typesetting Mathematics".
> As documented, .bp has no effect in no-space mode.  You can force it
> to start a new page anyway by defining your own simple macro that
> first disables no-space mode (via the .rs request), then invokes .bp.
> Then call that macro where you'd normally call .bp.

Thanks for clearing this up, Dave.  I'll amend the NEWS item to mention
page breaks as well.  That won't help a lot of people since 1.23.0 is
already out, but it may help a few in the future.


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