Hi Tom,


have you tried the font TibMachUni-1.901b.ttf? It is available via
package manager e.g. in Fedora 39.

Can post a source file for your examples, please? I may try in tomorrow.

Best regards,


On 21/01/2024 00:09, Tom wrote:

I did typeset few books in Heirloom Troff with quite good outcome.
For next book I need to use Tibetan font and unfortunately I can't
make work in Heirloom Troff and Groff, only Neatroff does work.

Right now I'm eager to completely switch to Groff. I can make any font
work in Groff but not Tibetan. To my basic knowledge, I guess it is
all about blwm and blws not accessible. There are only few Tibetan
fonts with complex glyph composition which works in Neatroff. In groff
I have managed only BabelStoneTibetan to display but several glyphs
doesn't compose.

For viewing I have attached Groff and Neatroff pdfs.

YagpoTibetanUni: 100% composing in Neatroff but 100% failed in Groff
and Heirloom troff.
BabelStoneTibetan: 100% failed in Groff and Neatroff.

I have tried various tibetan fonts, as well NotoSerifTibetan present
in linux repositories. All those fonts don't work and groff yields:
troff:<standard input>:20: warning: special character 'u0F04' not defined
troff:<standard input>:20: warning: special character 'u0F05' not defined
troff:<standard input>:20: warning: special character 'u0F0D' not defined

If I understand enough, the warnings are about missing glyph mappings.

Would you mind to have a look and check if Tibetan fonts are possible
to make work in Groff ? I appreciate for any hints, and direction I
can follow to make it happen.


Dr. Oliver Corff
Wittelsbacherstr. 5A
10707 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-85727260

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