Hi all,

I noticed that the default length of title lines (\n[.lt]) of 6.5i works
well for letter sized documents but looks off for other orientations and
paper sizes as the title left-part aligns with the page offset, but the
title right-part does not align with the right text margin.

Hopefully this example describes the issue technically well:

  % for p in letter letterl a4; do \
    echo -e ".tm paper: \*[paper]\n.tm .lt: \\\n[.lt]\n.tm .l:  \\\n[.l]\n.tm" \
    | groff - -dpaper=$p -Z >/dev/null; \
  paper: letter
  .lt: 468000
  .l:  468000

  paper: letterl
  .lt: 468000
  .l:  648000

  paper: a4
  .lt: 468000
  .l:  451275

To me setting the length of title lines to the line length in
papersize.tmac (see attached patch) seems like a sensible solution to
provide a good looking default for page orientations and paper sizes
other than letter.

What are people's thoughts on this?
And what have I possibly overlooked that this isn't already the case?

diff --git a/tmac/papersize.tmac b/tmac/papersize.tmac
index e10219ad5..e1eab7c03 100644
--- a/tmac/papersize.tmac
+++ b/tmac/papersize.tmac
@@ -126,11 +126,13 @@
 .    ie '\*[paper-l]'l' \{\
 .      pl \*[paper-\*[paper-p]-width]
 .      ll (\*[paper-\*[paper-p]-length] - 2i)
+.      lt \n[.l]u
 .    \}
 .    el \{\
 .      ie '\*[paper-l]'' \{\
 .        pl \*[paper-\*[paper-p]-length]
 .        ll (\*[paper-\*[paper-p]-width] - 2i)
+.        lt \n[.l]u
 .      \}
 .      el \
 .        nr paper-w 1

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