On 11/29/23, hbezemer--- via <groff@gnu.org> wrote: > When changing -ms to -mm (the macro I'm using): No images are created. > > Maybe groff_mm(7) is the culprit?
Different macro packages provide different definitions of .PS and .PE. Some seem to work with grohtml and some not: $ cat foo.n .PS box .PE $ groff -ms -p -Thtml foo.n | fgrep img pnmcrop: The image is entirely background; there is nothing to crop. <p align="center" style="margin-top: 1em"><img src="grohtml-26116-1.png" alt="Image grohtml-26116-1.png"></p> $ groff -mm -p -Thtml foo.n | fgrep img $ groff -me -p -Thtml foo.n | fgrep img pnmcrop: The image is entirely background; there is nothing to crop. <p align="center"><img src="grohtml-26182-1.png" alt="Image grohtml-26182-1.png"></p> $ groff -mpic -p -Thtml foo.n | fgrep img $ (The last example uses minimal fallback .PS and .PE definitions, as described in pic(1).) So you could try grabbing the .PS and .PE macro definitions from one of the macro files that does work (at least -ms and -me) and adding them to your own document source file.