Greetings! I am currently making a compilation of technical essays by merging multiple pdfs made with Groff. However, one problem that I have is that each chapter is made independently, making each chapter start at page 1. So when I merge the chapters, the page number reverts to 1 at the beginning of each.
How can I set the page number of a specific file into a set number and increment from thereon? I have tried the man macro -rPnnn but it won't work with my document.
I haven't found the solution to the above so I made another document with all the chapters in one .ms file. The problem with this is that all footnote numbers increment until the end. So, if chapter 1 ends with 18 footnotes, the footnotes of chapter 2 proceeds with 19. I want each chapter's footnotes to start with 1. Can this be accomplished?