I have some text .EQ delim ## .EN .... which will not fit into the #p# bits which breaks 'groff' with 'bad font number' messages. If I replace the #p# with \fIp\fP, problem goes away. When I get around to compiling 1.23.0, I will see if I get the same issue. Happy to share the complete text in the meantime is somebody is interested Very Weird - Damian
- Weird in-line trivial EQN issue with 1.22.4 - bad font num... Damian McGuckin
- Re: Weird in-line trivial EQN issue with 1.22.4 - bad... Tadziu Hoffmann
- Re: Weird in-line trivial EQN issue with 1.22.4 -... Damian McGuckin
- Re: Weird in-line trivial EQN issue with 1.22... Tadziu Hoffmann
- Re: Weird in-line trivial EQN issue with ... Damian McGuckin
- Re: Weird in-line trivial EQN issue with ... Damian McGuckin
- Re: Weird in-line trivial EQN issue ... Tadziu Hoffmann