On 7/8/23, Bertrand Garrigues <bertrand.garrig...@laposte.net> wrote:
> If people are interested I may try to find some time to work on it.


I'm very interested and excited by the mock-up you have so far.  I
know your time is in short supply, but I'd highly appreciate any that
you're able to devote to this.

On 7/8/23, Douglas McIlroy <douglas.mcil...@dartmouth.edu> wrote:
> I hate to keep raining on the persistent dream of K-P in groff, but it
> fits poorly with troff's basic typesetting model.  How will it deal
> with line-length changes that pop up in the middle of a paragraph, due
> to requests that can come inline or from a macro, perhaps triggered by
> a trap?

Heirloom troff and neatroff both implement K-P.  I don't know how they
deal with the situation you cite, but this isn't a wheel groff needs
to reinvent.

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