Hi Bertrand,

At 2023-07-07T00:31:57+0200, Bertrand Garrigues wrote:
> Ah, I've completely forgotten your ANNOUNCE file... 

If it helps, I'm attaching a copy of what I used to announce the release
to the Debian bug tracking system.

> The ANNOUNCE file fits perfectly well to the job, so I'll use it.
> I'll just swap the 1st and 2nd paragraph (normal people usually want
> to know what the software is about before actually downloading it).

Yes--I dithered over that.  The release per se is the "news" item and
should be the "lede" in journalistic parlance, but for the reader who
doesn't know what "groff" is, such a lede is not enlightening.

> Well both, I've allowed myself a drop of Armagnac (it's like cognac,
> but even better) and brewed a cup of Taiwanese Oolong (semi-fermented)
> tea... Cheers!

Very nice!  I sent a friend of mine a bottle of Armagnac when he got his
Ph.D.-- but I've still never had any!  But I don't sip cognac often--I
like it, but it's pretty sweet.  20 years ago, 2 fellow Debian
developers, of whom Colin Watson was one, introduced me to the joys of
single-malt Scotch...

Best regards,

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