It might be worth contacting Brian Kernighan and asking for his blessing.He 
has always been a very nice person and I suspect you could worksomething out.  
At the very least, I'm sure he would not hurl expletivesat you for asking ;-)

    On Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 04:19:18 AM PDT, Damian McGuckin 
<> wrote:  
I made a start a while ago on a reworking of the Eqn User Guide that
was more up-to-date and addressed both the MM and MS macro packages.
It incorporated Ted's document plus some newer equations of my own.

It never went anywhere because I got worried about copyright issues.

When does copyright on the original document by Kernighan and Cherry 
expire (or Ted Harding's for that matter).

For example, would even the Abstract (attached) cause me legal issues.

Thanks - Damian

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