Hi Oliver,

At 2023-04-24T22:40:23+0200, Oliver Corff wrote:
> I went to https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/groff.git today to
> download the rc4 tarball groff-1.23.0.rc4.tar.gz and unpacked the
> archive.

I've made the same mistake myself!

The official distribution archives are not available via the cgit
interface.  cgit doesn't know about FSF deployment procedures and hasn't
been taught.

As noted in the RC announcement email[1], you need to get the
distribution archive from the alpha.gnu.org website.


> How do I configure the makefile? I fail to see a ./configure script.

Carlos's response here was correct--you have to use the INSTALL.REPO
instructions if you want to build from the Git repository--but if you
want to provide feedback on the release candidate, then that's not the
procedure to follow.


[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2023-04/msg00135.html

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