Hi Mingye,

> [Zstd and brotli each have a "dictionary mode" to deal with this, but
> (a) Zstd dict-file requires an extra flag on decompress (b) nobody has
> brotli, which has a default dictionary, installed.]

I found brotli was already installed here.
So here's some numbers, just for the lists' info.

    $ ls | grep '\.gz$' | shuf -n10 |
    > while read -r f; do
    >     printf '%32s  %5d  %5d\n' "$f" `wc -c <"$f"` \
    >         `zcat "$f" | brotli | wc -c`
    > done |
    > awk '{print $0 "  " $3/$2}'
                        postmap.1.gz   4125   3333  0.808
               gnutls-cli-debug.1.gz   2627   2108  0.802436
                          cwebp.1.gz   5074   4106  0.809223
                        findsmb.1.gz   1810   1474  0.814365
                        ppmntsc.1.gz   1282    973  0.75897
                          libuv.1.gz  76363  62274  0.8155
                          xmlwf.1.gz   3486   2760  0.791738
                          users.1.gz    763    572  0.749672
                   gpgparsemail.1.gz    294    231  0.785714
               perl561delta.1perl.gz  51764  42957  0.829862

Cheers, Ralph.

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