Hi Branden,

> Am 20.02.2023 um 23:19 schrieb G. Branden Robinson 
> <g.branden.robin...@gmail.com>:
> I'm pleased to report that the testing situation on your Solaris 10 and
> 11 hosts is significantly improved.
> Solaris 10 does still require a bit of fiddling...
> cd groff-1.23.0.rc2.98-d015c-sol10/
> find . -name "*.sh" -print > ../list-of-tests
> MAKE=$(which gmake) M4=$(which gm4) ./configure --prefix=$HOME
> gsed -i -e '1s@^#!/bin/sh@#!/usr/xpg4/bin/sh@' $(cat ../list-of-tests )
> PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH gmake check

Thanks! I am looking forward to give the tests a try!

Best regards

  — Dago

"You don't become great by trying to be great, you become great by wanting to 
do something,
and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process." - xkcd #896

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