
In the macro package I am working on, I want to divert some text to a
region.  If the region is too small, I have to recuperate the text that
could not fit in and put it in another diversion, to output it later.
The way I know the region is full is by a trap positioned at its end.

Here is, in its essence, what I have tried:

$ cat problem.tr
.ll 40m
.wh 1v CUT
.de CUT
.  di TEXT2
.  di
.di TEXT
A paragraph that is long enough to be used as an example for my

The idea is to create the second diversion in the trap, to accumulate
what the first one had not outputed when the trap has sprung.

The output is:

$ preconv problem.tr | nroff
A paragraph that is long enough to be
used as an example for my question.

What I would like to have is:

$ preconv solution.tr | nroff
A paragraph that is long enough to be
used as an example for my question.

Is there a way to make it work?

Thank you very much,

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