Hi Lennart,

At 2022-12-28T04:37:37+0000, Lennart Jablonka wrote:
> Quoth G. Branden Robinson:
> > > And...  But ok you are the maintainer and can do whatever you
> > > want, and break downstream people any way you like,
> > 
> > Stop whining.  You sound like humm.
> At the risk of implying that there are people that do complain in that
> way, I want to distance myself from excessive complaints that do not
> have associated relativization (albeit perhaps not easily understood
> by the reader of text email) like a hyperbolic choice of words.

The message about my oversight of Plan 9 troff struck me as histrionic.
But if that was a humorous message that managed to blow right past me,
you would be repaying me in coin I have oft transacted with others.

> Btw, from my perspective, Branden and Alejandro, both of you seem to
> be doing a very fine job.

Thank you!  My teeth are gritted against future embarrassments...


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