I found a small error in the install-font script of Peter Schaffter from
the mom macros
Link: https://www.schaffter.ca/mom/bin/install-font.sh

The generated internalname is missing a "-" between font family and

For instance, for the font FreeSerifBoldOblique.otf
the internalname is wrong.
The script generates as internalname FreeSerifBoldItalic
and it should be: FreeSerif-BoldItalic.
There needs to be a little "-" between font family name and the font style
if you embed the font in your pdf you will not notice it.
But if you don't embed them , they will be randomly substituted by pdf
viewers even if you have the font installed in linux because it doesn't
find the right one.

Kind regards,
Wim Stockman

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